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Created January 7, 2012 00:36
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Preview of some of the changes to Apex REST in version 24.0
global class ApexRESTUpdate {
//Note we no longer need to include RestRequest and RestResponse as incoming parameters
//The static RestContext has request and response properties instead
global static List<Case> getOpenCases() {
String companyName = RestContext.request.params.get('companyName');
Account company = [ Select ID, Name, BillingState from Account where Name = :companyName];
List<Case> cases = [SELECT Id, Subject, Status, OwnerId, Owner.Name from Case WHERE AccountId =: company.Id];
return cases;
//Here we are using CaseSummary as an incoming parameter, which is an Apex class not an SObject.
//Previously, you could not use user defined params
global static String createCase(CaseSummary cs) {
Case c = new Case();
c.Subject = cs.CaseExternalID + cs.CaseDescription;
insert c;
return c.Subject;
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