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Last active April 12, 2016 10:21
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Save joshbirk/c73ffe8a35a90598f39a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple class to try and destroy all records in a Salesforce instance. Does not currently destroy Apex, or Visualforce, or Lightning components. It probably will never do the latter, I'm not sure I want it to do the former. Does not destroy custom metadata, but I'm looking into it. TODO: Parameters to avoid limits.
public class DestroyAllTheThings {
public DestroyAllTheThings() {}
public void destroySimpleCRMStuff() {
//First clear out known dependents, leads and cases etc.
List<Case> cases = [SELECT ID from Case];
delete cases;
List<Lead> leads = [SELECT ID From Lead];
delete leads;
List<Opportunity> opportunities = [SELECT ID From Opportunity];
delete opportunities;
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT ID from Contact];
delete contacts;
List<Account> accounts = [SELECT ID from Account];
delete accounts;
public void destroyAsMuchAsPossible() {
//ok, now we can go and dynamically delete **everything** else
Map<String, Schema.SObjectType> globalDescribe = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
Set<String> sobjects = globalDescribe.keySet();
for(String so : sobjects) {
//not allowed in DML
//or has other restrictions where parent/dependents need to be removed first
//or simply does not support query
//or to support our code later
if(globalDescribe.get(so).getDescribe().isDeletable() && globalDescribe.get(so).getDescribe().isQueryable()
&& so != 'EmailTemplate' && so != 'Vote' && so != 'ContentDocumentLink'
&& so != 'AuthSession' && so != 'ApexLog' && so != 'ObjectPermissions' && so != 'FieldPermissions'
&& so != 'IdeaComment') {
String soql = 'SELECT ID FROM '+so+' ';
/* ApexClass not part of this ... not deleteable/queryable from Describe? But AuthSession is?
if(so == 'ApexClass') { //don't delete this class
soql = 'SELECT ID from ApexClass where Name != \'DestroyAllTheThings\' ';
} */
List<SObject> current_objects = Database.query(soql);
try {
delete current_objects;
} catch (System.DmlException e) {
System.debug(so + ' could not be deleted');
public void deleteApexAnd
public void reallyDestroyAllTheThings() {
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