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Last active December 11, 2015 04:48
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Save joshbode/4547170 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generate a summary matrix of a series of hexmode flags.
# determine the flags that make up the number
find_flags = function(x, dense=TRUE) {
# collapse flags if more than one provided
if (length(x) > 1) {
x = Reduce(`|.hexmode`, x)
# nothing to do if nothing has been set...
if (x == 0) {
# determine the upper-bound
n = max(floor(log2(x)), 0)
flags = as.hexmode(2 ^ (0:n))
if (!dense) {
flags = Filter(function(y) {y != 0}, x & flags)
# generate a summary matrix of a vector of hexmode combinations
hexmode_matrix = function(flags, modes=find_flags(flags, dense=TRUE), n=2, total=TRUE, id=NULL) {
# get the "all-on" mode
all_modes = sum(modes)
# add in total mode if required
modes = c(modes, 0)
if (total) {
modes = c(modes, all_modes)
# generate all n-combinations of the modes
n = min(n, length(modes))
dims = rep(list(modes), n)
names(dims) = LETTERS[1:n]
combinations =, dims)
# label the total column
if (total) {
for (i in 1:n) {
dims[[i]][length(dims[[i]])] = 'Total'
# generate matrix
result = aaply(combinations, 1, function(combo) {
# accumulate the cell for the combination
cell = TRUE
for (mode in combo) {
mask = ifelse(mode > 0, mode, all_modes)
cell = cell & (mode == all_modes | mode == (mask & flags))
# if unique ID given, count the distinct instances
if (!is.null(id)) {
else {
# rearrange columns into original order
if (n == 1) {
names_ = function(x) {
else {
names_ = dimnames
shuffle = lapply(names_(result), function(x) {order(match(x, modes))})
result =`[`, c(list(result), shuffle)) # hack dynamic n-indexing, e.g. result[shuffle_1, shuffle_2, ..., shuffle_n]
if (n == 1) {
names(result) = unlist(dims)
else {
dimnames(result) = dims
# test it
m = 5
modes = 2^(0:m)
flags = as.hexmode(floor(runif(1000, 0, 2^(m + 1) - 1)))
result = hexmode_matrix(flags, modes, 3)
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