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Created November 2, 2016 16:01
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  • Save joshbooker/56d84fd2a3cc708b9d98a3eb748b8723 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"version": "v1",
"title": "NorthwindAPI2"
"host": "",
"schemes": [
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"paths": {
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Categories": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Categories",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Categories",
"operationId": "Categories_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Category]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Category",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Categories",
"operationId": "Categories_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Category",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Category"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Category"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Categories({CategoryID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Category",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Categories",
"operationId": "Categories_GetByCategoryid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "CategoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CategoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Category"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Category",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Categories",
"operationId": "Categories_PutByCategoryid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CategoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CategoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Category",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Category"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Category",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Categories",
"operationId": "Categories_DeleteByCategoryid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CategoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CategoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Category",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Categories",
"operationId": "Categories_PatchByCategoryid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CategoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CategoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Category",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Category"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/CustomerDemographics": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get CustomerDemographics",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet CustomerDemographics",
"operationId": "CustomerDemographics_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[CustomerDemographic]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create CustomerDemographic",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet CustomerDemographics",
"operationId": "CustomerDemographics_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerDemographic",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerDemographic"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerDemographic"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/CustomerDemographics('{CustomerTypeID}')": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get CustomerDemographic",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from CustomerDemographics",
"operationId": "CustomerDemographics_GetByCustomertypeid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerTypeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerTypeID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerDemographic"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace CustomerDemographic",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet CustomerDemographics",
"operationId": "CustomerDemographics_PutByCustomertypeid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerTypeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerTypeID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "CustomerDemographic",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerDemographic"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete CustomerDemographic",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet CustomerDemographics",
"operationId": "CustomerDemographics_DeleteByCustomertypeid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerTypeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerTypeID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update CustomerDemographic",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet CustomerDemographics",
"operationId": "CustomerDemographics_PatchByCustomertypeid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerTypeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerTypeID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "CustomerDemographic",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerDemographic"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Customers",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Customers",
"operationId": "Customers_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Customer]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Customer",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Customers",
"operationId": "Customers_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Customer",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Customer"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Customer"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers('{CustomerID}')": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Customer",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Customers",
"operationId": "Customers_GetByCustomerid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Customer"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Customer",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Customers",
"operationId": "Customers_PutByCustomerid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "Customer",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Customer"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Customer",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Customers",
"operationId": "Customers_DeleteByCustomerid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Customer",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Customers",
"operationId": "Customers_PatchByCustomerid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "CustomerID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: CustomerID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "Customer",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Customer"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Employees": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Employees",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Employees",
"operationId": "Employees_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Employee]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Employee",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Employees",
"operationId": "Employees_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Employee",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Employee"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Employee"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Employees({EmployeeID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Employee",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Employees",
"operationId": "Employees_GetByEmployeeid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "EmployeeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: EmployeeID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Employee"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Employee",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Employees",
"operationId": "Employees_PutByEmployeeid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "EmployeeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: EmployeeID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Employee",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Employee"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Employee",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Employees",
"operationId": "Employees_DeleteByEmployeeid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "EmployeeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: EmployeeID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Employee",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Employees",
"operationId": "Employees_PatchByEmployeeid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "EmployeeID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: EmployeeID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Employee",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Employee"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Order_Details": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Details Order",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Order_Details",
"operationId": "Order_Details_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Order_Detail]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Detail",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Order_Details",
"operationId": "Order_Details_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Order_Detail",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order_Detail"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order_Detail"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Order_Details(OrderID={OrderID}, ProductID={ProductID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Detail",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Order_Details",
"operationId": "Order_Details_GetByOrderidAndProductid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order_Detail"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Detail",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Order_Details",
"operationId": "Order_Details_PutByOrderidAndProductid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Order_Detail",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order_Detail"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Detail",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Order_Details",
"operationId": "Order_Details_DeleteByOrderidAndProductid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Detail",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Order_Details",
"operationId": "Order_Details_PatchByOrderidAndProductid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Order_Detail",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order_Detail"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Orders": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Orders",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Orders",
"operationId": "Orders_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Order]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Order",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Orders",
"operationId": "Orders_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Order",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Orders({OrderID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Order",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Orders",
"operationId": "Orders_GetByOrderid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Order",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Orders",
"operationId": "Orders_PutByOrderid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Order",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Order",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Orders",
"operationId": "Orders_DeleteByOrderid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Order",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Orders",
"operationId": "Orders_PatchByOrderid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "OrderID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: OrderID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Order",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Products": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Products",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Products",
"operationId": "Products_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Product]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Product",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Products",
"operationId": "Products_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Product",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Product"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Product"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Products({ProductID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Product",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Products",
"operationId": "Products_GetByProductid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Product"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Product",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Products",
"operationId": "Products_PutByProductid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Product",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Product"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Product",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Products",
"operationId": "Products_DeleteByProductid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Product",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Products",
"operationId": "Products_PatchByProductid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "ProductID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ProductID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Product",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Product"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Regions": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Regions",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Regions",
"operationId": "Regions_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Region]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Region",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Regions",
"operationId": "Regions_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Region",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Region"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Region"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Regions({RegionID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Region",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Regions",
"operationId": "Regions_GetByRegionid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "RegionID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: RegionID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Region"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Region",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Regions",
"operationId": "Regions_PutByRegionid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "RegionID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: RegionID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Region",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Region"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Region",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Regions",
"operationId": "Regions_DeleteByRegionid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "RegionID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: RegionID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Region",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Regions",
"operationId": "Regions_PatchByRegionid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "RegionID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: RegionID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Region",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Region"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Shippers": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Shippers",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Shippers",
"operationId": "Shippers_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Shipper]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Shipper",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Shippers",
"operationId": "Shippers_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Shipper",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Shipper"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Shipper"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Shippers({ShipperID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Shipper",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Shippers",
"operationId": "Shippers_GetByShipperid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "ShipperID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ShipperID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Shipper"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Shipper",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Shippers",
"operationId": "Shippers_PutByShipperid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "ShipperID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ShipperID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Shipper",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Shipper"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Shipper",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Shippers",
"operationId": "Shippers_DeleteByShipperid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "ShipperID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ShipperID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Shipper",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Shippers",
"operationId": "Shippers_PatchByShipperid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "ShipperID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: ShipperID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Shipper",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Shipper"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Suppliers": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Suppliers",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Suppliers",
"operationId": "Suppliers_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Supplier]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Supplier",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Suppliers",
"operationId": "Suppliers_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Supplier",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Supplier"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Supplier"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Suppliers({SupplierID})": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Supplier",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Suppliers",
"operationId": "Suppliers_GetBySupplierid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "SupplierID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: SupplierID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Supplier"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Supplier",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Suppliers",
"operationId": "Suppliers_PutBySupplierid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "SupplierID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: SupplierID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Supplier",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Supplier"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Supplier",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Suppliers",
"operationId": "Suppliers_DeleteBySupplierid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "SupplierID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: SupplierID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Supplier",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Suppliers",
"operationId": "Suppliers_PatchBySupplierid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "SupplierID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: SupplierID",
"required": true,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "Supplier",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Supplier"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Territories": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Territories",
"description": "Returns the EntitySet Territories",
"operationId": "Territories_Get",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "$expand",
"in": "query",
"description": "Expands related entities inline.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$filter",
"in": "query",
"description": "Filters the results, based on a Boolean condition.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$orderby",
"in": "query",
"description": "Sorts the results.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"name": "$top",
"in": "query",
"description": "Returns only the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$skip",
"in": "query",
"description": "Skips the first n results.",
"required": false,
"type": "integer",
"format": "int32"
"name": "$count",
"in": "query",
"description": "Includes a count of the matching results in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "boolean"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/ODataResponse[Territory]"
"deprecated": false
"post": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Create Territory",
"description": "Post a new entity to EntitySet Territories",
"operationId": "Territories_Post",
"consumes": [
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "Territory",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to post",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Territory"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Territory"
"deprecated": false
"/V4/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Territories('{TerritoryID}')": {
"get": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Get Territory",
"description": "Returns the entity with the key from Territories",
"operationId": "Territories_GetByTerritoryid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [
"parameters": [
"name": "TerritoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: TerritoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "$select",
"in": "query",
"description": "Selects which properties to include in the response.",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "OK",
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Territory"
"deprecated": false
"put": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Replace Territory",
"description": "Replace entity in EntitySet Territories",
"operationId": "Territories_PutByTerritoryid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "TerritoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: TerritoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "Territory",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to put",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Territory"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"delete": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Delete Territory",
"description": "Delete entity in EntitySet Territories",
"operationId": "Territories_DeleteByTerritoryid",
"consumes": [],
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "TerritoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: TerritoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "If-Match",
"in": "header",
"description": "If-Match header",
"required": false,
"type": "string"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"patch": {
"tags": [
"summary": "Update Territory",
"description": "Update entity in EntitySet Territories",
"operationId": "Territories_PatchByTerritoryid",
"consumes": [
"produces": [],
"parameters": [
"name": "TerritoryID",
"in": "path",
"description": "key: TerritoryID",
"required": true,
"type": "string"
"name": "Territory",
"in": "body",
"description": "The entity to patch",
"required": true,
"schema": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Territory"
"responses": {
"204": {
"description": "No Content"
"deprecated": false
"definitions": {
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"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
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"value": {
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"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Category"
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"properties": {
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
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"Picture": {
"type": "string"
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"type": "integer"
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"SupplierID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"CategoryID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"QuantityPerUnit": {
"maxLength": 20,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"UnitPrice": {
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"UnitsInStock": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"UnitsOnOrder": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"ReorderLevel": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"Discontinued": {
"type": "boolean"
"Order_Detail": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"OrderID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"ProductID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"UnitPrice": {
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"Quantity": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"Discount": {
"format": "float",
"type": "number"
"Supplier": {
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"type": "object",
"properties": {
"SupplierID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"ContactName": {
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"City": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Region": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"PostalCode": {
"maxLength": 10,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
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"type": "string"
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"type": "string"
"HomePage": {
"type": "string"
"Order": {
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"properties": {
"OrderID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"CustomerID": {
"maxLength": 5,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"EmployeeID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"OrderDate": {
"format": "date-time",
"type": "string"
"RequiredDate": {
"format": "date-time",
"type": "string"
"ShippedDate": {
"format": "date-time",
"type": "string"
"ShipVia": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"Freight": {
"format": "double",
"type": "number"
"ShipName": {
"maxLength": 40,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"ShipAddress": {
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"ShipCity": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"ShipRegion": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"ShipPostalCode": {
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"ShipCountry": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
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"type": "object",
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"type": "string"
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"type": "string"
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Address": {
"maxLength": 60,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"City": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Region": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"PostalCode": {
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Country": {
"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Phone": {
"maxLength": 24,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Fax": {
"maxLength": 24,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Employee": {
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"EmployeeID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"LastName": {
"maxLength": 20,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"FirstName": {
"maxLength": 10,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Title": {
"maxLength": 30,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"TitleOfCourtesy": {
"maxLength": 25,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"BirthDate": {
"format": "date-time",
"type": "string"
"HireDate": {
"format": "date-time",
"type": "string"
"Address": {
"maxLength": 60,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
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"maxLength": 15,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
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"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"PostalCode": {
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"type": "string"
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"type": "string"
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"type": "string"
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"maxLength": 4,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Photo": {
"type": "string"
"Notes": {
"type": "string"
"ReportsTo": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"PhotoPath": {
"maxLength": 255,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Shipper": {
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"ShipperID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"CompanyName": {
"maxLength": 40,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"Phone": {
"maxLength": 24,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"CustomerDemographic": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"CustomerTypeID": {
"maxLength": 10,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"CustomerDesc": {
"type": "string"
"Territory": {
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"TerritoryID": {
"maxLength": 20,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"TerritoryDescription": {
"maxLength": 50,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"RegionID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"Region": {
"required": [
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"RegionID": {
"format": "int32",
"type": "integer"
"RegionDescription": {
"maxLength": 50,
"minLength": 0,
"type": "string"
"ODataResponse[CustomerDemographic]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/CustomerDemographic"
"ODataResponse[Customer]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Customer"
"ODataResponse[Employee]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Employee"
"ODataResponse[Order_Detail]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order_Detail"
"ODataResponse[Order]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Order"
"ODataResponse[Product]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Product"
"ODataResponse[Region]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Region"
"ODataResponse[Shipper]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Shipper"
"ODataResponse[Supplier]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Supplier"
"ODataResponse[Territory]": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"@odata.context": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/Territory"
"parameters": {},
"responses": {},
"securityDefinitions": {},
"security": [],
"tags": []
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