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Created March 24, 2012 21:39
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For an arbitrary string, detect the largest palindrome* present within it.
* a sequence of characters the same forwards and backwards at least 3 characters long.
For instance in "abbabcdedc", the longest palindrome would be "cdedc".
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aghull commented Mar 24, 2012

not too efficient but short:

def largest_palindrome(s)
  (s.split /\s/).map {|x| x.length}.max.downto(1).each do |x|
    re = ("(\\w)" * x) + "\\w?"
    x.downto(1).each { |y| re += "\\#{y}" }
    s.match(re) { |z| return z }

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Here's something in Haskell. I tried to decompose the problem into 1. make substrings, 2. filter out non palindromes, then 3. find the longest string. substrings time complexity grows like a Trianglular number. I think palindrome and longest are both O(n).

Usage: longest (palindromes "abbabcdedc")

    substrings []     = []
    substrings (x:xs) = decTail (x:xs) ++ substrings xs
        decTail []       = []
        decTail (y:ys)   = [y] : [ (y:z) | z <- decTail ys ]

    longest []     = []
    longest (w:ws) = if length w > length w' then w else w' where w' = longest ws

    palindromes w = [ s | s <- substrings w, s == reverse s ]

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