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Created October 29, 2009 15:56
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irb(main):001:0> def my_awesome_sauce; end
=> nil
irb(main):002:0> methods
=> ["chws", "inspect", "irb_kill", "irb_push_binding", "tap", "install_alias_method", "pwws", "context", "clone", "irb_source", "public", "irb_workspaces", "public_methods", "object_id", "__send__", "irb_popws", "instance_variable_defined?", "irb_quit", "irb_change_workspace", "equal?", "freeze", "jobs", "irb_push_workspace", "extend", "irb_load", "send", "irb_print_working_workspace", "methods", "cws", "irb_pushb", "kill", "conf", "hash", "irb_current_working_binding", "dup", "to_enum", "instance_variables", "quit", "popws", "irb_fg", "eql?", "instance_eval", "irb_cwws", "irb", "id", "irb_change_binding", "singleton_methods", "irb_help", "pushb", "exit", "taint", "private", "irb_print_working_binding", "instance_variable_get", "frozen?", "enum_for", "workspaces", "display", "instance_of?", "irb_pop_binding", "method", "to_a", "irb_chws", "irb_pushws", "instance_exec", "type", "irb_require", "irb_pwws", "protected_methods", "irb_cb", "==", "irb_pop_workspace", "irb_context", "my_awesome_sauce", "===", "irb_jobs", "irb_cwb", "instance_variable_set", "irb_bindings", "respond_to?", "kind_of?", "irb_popb", "irb_current_working_workspace", "source", "fg", "irb_cws", "to_s", "pushws", "class", "include", "cwws", "private_methods", "=~", "tainted?", "__id__", "help", "cb", "untaint", "nil?", "irb_pwb", "irb_exit", "bindings", "is_a?", "popb"]
irb(main):003:0> self.class
=> Object
irb(main):004:0> Object.methods.include? 'my_awesome_sauce'
=> true
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