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Last active February 10, 2018 17:58
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Solutions showing how to flatten arbitrarily nested arrays of ints in JavaScript
// shorthand function for the Number.isInteger method
const isInt = Number.isInteger
// shorthand function for the Array.isArray method
const isArray = Array.isArray
// functional wrapper for the Array.reduce method
const reduce = f => initVal => arr => arr.reduce(f, initVal)
// functional wrapper for the Array.concat method
const concat = arrA => arrB => arrA.concat(arrB)
// functional composition utility
const compose2 = (f, g) => x => f(g(x))
// fairly easy to understand & explain solution using recursion &
// leaning on JavaScript's native reduce & concat methods
export const flatten = arr => !isArray(arr)
? []
: reduce(
(prev, curr) => isArray(curr)
? compose2(concat(prev), flatten)(curr)
: (!isInt(curr)
? prev // omit non-integer values
: concat(prev)(curr)
import test from 'ava'
import { flatten } from './flatten'
// import { flatten } from './flattenAlt'
test('nested arrays should be flattened', t => {
const flattened = flatten([[1, 2, [3]], 4])
const expected = [1, 2, 3, 4]
t.deepEqual(flattened, expected)
test('non-integers should be omitted', t => {
const flattened = flatten([[1, 2, 'C', [3, {}]], 4])
const expected = [1, 2, 3, 4]
t.deepEqual(flattened, expected)
test('flat arrays should be returned as is', t => {
const flattened = flatten([1, 2, 3, 4])
const expected = [1, 2, 3, 4]
t.deepEqual(flattened, expected)
test('empty arrays should be returned as is', t => {
const flattened = flatten([])
const expected = []
t.deepEqual(flattened, expected)
// shorthand function for the Number.isInteger method
const isInt = Number.isInteger
// shorthand function for the Array.isArray method
const isArray = Array.isArray
const buildArray = f => first => rest => [
? f(first)
: (!isInt(first)
? [] // omit non-integer values
: [first]
// somewhat harder to understand & explain solution using recursion,
// pattern matching/destructuring, & the rest/spread operator
export const flatten = ([first,]) =>
first === undefined
? [] // break recursion, avoid "Max call stack size exceeded" error
: buildArray(flatten)(first)(rest)
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