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Last active September 23, 2015 17:18
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the case to use EmberJS

Ember is a framework that embraces convention over configuration. Even if you don't agree with every convention they have (I'm sure there are some things I wouldn't agree with) the convention means it will be easy for someone else to come in and understand what was going on.

I've read multiple places that every member of the Ember core team works on at least one production Ember site, keeping them in tune with how Ember is used, what developers need, what the pain points are, etc...


  • Router
  • Handlebars templates w/two way binding
  • Components
  • Data abstraction layer

Ember CLI

Create a new route

ember generate route fizz

The above command creates all the boiler plate (including tests) leaving the developer to start coding.

Upgrade philosophy

Version 2.0 wasn't about new features. Instead features and deprecation warnings were added to the 1.X branch releases. When 2.0 was released all the deprecated code was removed. If you have an Ember 1.X app, upgrading should entail:

  1. Upgrade to 1.13 (the last 1.X release)
  2. Eliminate deprecation warnings
  3. Upgrade to 2.0
  4. Profit

Rather than introduce many breaking changes in 2.0 they provided a very sane upgrade path.

Good reads

EmberJS core concepts - from their docs

Why I recommend EmberJS over AngularJS

I was actually understanding the code base for a project I had never looked at before.

For a project the size of Discourse, it typically takes a few hours to a few days to just begin to understand its code base. But Ember’s strong opinions and conventions allowed me to open a project I had never seen before and understand what was going on in only a few minutes.

Why we chose Ember.js

Ember is highly opinionated, and given our rapidly growing team and blazing fast development cycle, Ember's conventions ground us.

Getting Started With Ember.js 2.0 Using Ember CLI

EmberJS blog on their upgrade philosophy

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