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Last active February 22, 2024 18:02
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Debugging Sticky CSS with React: Identifying Overflow Issues in Parent Elements
// This React component utilizes a useEffect hook to traverse up the DOM tree from a referenced element,
// identifying any parent elements with an overflow property that could interfere with the intended 'sticky'
// positioning of the element. It logs each parent's overflow status and highlights those that may cause issues.
// Useful in debugging layout issues related to 'sticky' positioned elements.
// Usage:
// Simply include this component within your React application. The referenced element is automatically checked
// on component mount. For non-React code, the logic within useEffect could be extracted and run after the DOM
// has fully loaded, using a direct DOM element reference instead of a ref.
// Example for non-React:
// document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', (event) => {
// let element = document.querySelector('.your-sticky-element-class');
// // Implement the logic from the useEffect here, replacing `stickyRef.current` with `element`.
// });
import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
const StickyComponent: React.FC = () => {
const stickyRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
useEffect(() => {
if (!stickyRef.current) return;
let parent = stickyRef.current.parentElement;
let checkedCount = 0;
let offendingCount = 0;
while (parent) {
const hasOverflow = getComputedStyle(parent).overflow;
if (hasOverflow !== 'visible') {
console.warn(`Parent blocks "position: sticky":`, hasOverflow, parent);
parent = parent.parentElement;
}`Checked ${checkedCount} components, ${offendingCount} affecting sticky.`);
}, [stickyRef]);
return (
<div ref={stickyRef} style={{ position: 'sticky', top: 0 }}>
I should stick
export default StickyComponent;
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