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Josh Cody joshcody

  • Portland Oregon
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It's like when somebody says they want to go birding with you, but really they just wanna get you alone in the woods so they can take your binoculars
I found my retainer in a school dumpster. I found my biological father in a militia in the ozarks. This should be no problem.
Did that pussy Jared keep you on hold long? I eat that motherfucker’s lunch every day. No, man, I literally eat his food.
Guys, does girth-similarity affect Erlich's ability to jerk different dicks simultaneously?
Hey Dinesh do you use that chain to choke your mom while you stick your penis in her butthole
I have a lot of elderly friends.
I like this new angry side to you. Being around angry people relaxes me, because I know where I stand.
Sorry if I scared you; I know I have slightly ghost-like features.
That's a lot of jerking.
You know, Hitler actually played the bassoon. So, technically, Hitler was the Hitler of music