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Created August 5, 2011 19:12
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#lang racket
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; a functional brain control implementation
(require 2htdp/universe 2htdp/image)
;; decide what is an event on the data stream from the headset
(define meditation? (make-parameter (lambda (prev-med curr-med) (not (eq? 0 curr-med)))))
(define attention? (make-parameter (lambda (prev-att curr-att) #false)))
;; [ *-> Void] -> Boolean
;; launch the (fake) head-set process, a universe that forwards messages from there to world
(define (main)
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; the Jedi world
;; World = Number
;; interpretation: the y coordinate of the UFO
;; B-expression is (list number number)
;; interpretation: (list M A) is a pair of mediatation and attention levels
(define HEIGHT 400)
(define WIDTH 400)
(define HEIGHT0 100)
(define UFO
(underlay/align "center" "center" (circle 10 "solid" "green") (rectangle 40 4 "solid" "green")))
(define (functional-brain)
;; Number -> Image
(define (create-UFO-scene height)
(place-image UFO 180 height (empty-scene WIDTH HEIGHT)))
;; Word B-expression -> World
(define (calculate-height-using-meditation height0 message)
;(printf "got new meditation value: ~a\n" message)
[(boolean? message) (stop-with height0)]
[else (define-values (M A) (apply values message))
(define height1 (+ height0 (if (< M 65) +1 -1)))
;; don't let the UFO get out of the interval [0,(- HEIGHT 20)]
(max 0 (min height1 HEIGHT))]))
(big-bang HEIGHT0
(register LOCALHOST)
(on-receive calculate-height-using-meditation)
(to-draw create-UFO-scene)))
;; Number Number -> Number
(define (increment reading height)
(max 0 (min HEIGHT (if (< reading 65) (+ height 1) (- height 1)))))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; the simulate universe, which forwards messages from the fake head-set reader to the world
(define SQPORT 4567)
(define BRAIN-PORT 13854)
(define (brain-universe)
(define listener (tcp-listen SQPORT 1 #true LOCALHOST))
(define (receive-registration in out)
(sync (handle-evt in (lambda (in) (displayln '(OKAY) out) (flush-output out)))))
(define previous-attention-box (box 0))
(define previous-meditation-box (box 0))
(define current-attention-box (box 0))
(define current-meditation-box (box 0))
(define (set-attention! new-attention)
(set-box! previous-attention-box (unbox current-attention-box))
(set-box! current-attention-box new-attention))
(define (set-meditation! new-meditation)
(set-box! previous-meditation-box (unbox current-meditation-box))
(set-box! current-meditation-box new-meditation))
(define (read-from-headset)
(define-values (in _out) (tcp-connect LOCALHOST BRAIN-PORT))
(let loop ()
(handle-evt in
(lambda (in)
(with-handlers ((exn? (lambda (x) (kill-thread (current-thread)))))
(define typ (read-byte in))
[(eof-object? typ)
(begin (set-attention! #false) (set-meditation! #false))
(case typ
[(4) (begin (set-attention! (read-byte in)) (loop)) ]
[(5) (begin (set-meditation! (read-byte in)) (loop)) ]
[else (loop)])])))))))
(define (write-to-world out)
;; S-expression -> Void
(define (send x) (write x out) (newline out) (flush-output out))
;; -- IN --
;; (Number Number -> Void) Number Number #:att Number #:med Number -> Void
;; if it is an attention or a meditation event, send it to the world
(define (check loop)
(let* ([previous-attention (unbox previous-attention-box)]
[previous-meditation (unbox previous-attention-box)]
[current-attention (unbox current-attention-box)]
[current-meditation (unbox current-meditation-box)])
(when (or ((attention?) previous-attention current-attention)
((meditation?) previous-meditation current-meditation))
;(printf "sending med: ~a att: ~a\n" current-meditation current-attention)
(send `(,current-meditation ,current-attention))
(sleep 0.1)
(let loop () (check loop)))
; (sync (handle-evt in (lambda (in)
; (with-handlers ((exn? (lambda (x) (kill-thread (current-thread)))))
; (check loop)))))))
(thread (lambda () (read-from-headset)))
(lambda ()
;; registering
(define-values (in out) (tcp-accept listener))
(receive-registration in out)
(write-to-world out)))
;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; run program run
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