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Created August 7, 2011 16:41
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hw 1
(ns hw1
(:use clojure.test))
(defrecord StringLit [s])
(defrecord Concat [l r])
(defrecord RestAfter [l r])
(defn parse [sexp]
(symbol? sexp) (StringLit. (str sexp))
(list? sexp)
(let [[left op right] sexp]
(case op
& (Concat. (parse left) (parse right))
% (RestAfter. (parse left) (parse right))
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "bad list: " sexp)))))
:else (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (str "bad arg: " sexp)))))
(defmulti interpret class)
(defmethod interpret StringLit [s] (:s s))
(defmethod interpret Concat [c] (str (interpret (:l c)) (interpret (:r c))))
(defmethod interpret RestAfter [ra]
(let [l (interpret (:l ra)) r (interpret (:r ra)) i (.indexOf l r)]
(if (< i 0) (throw (Exception. (str r " not found in " l)))
(.substring l (+ i (.length r))))))
(defn testcode [l r]
(with-test (defn f [x] l) (is (= (interpret (parse l)) r)))
(testcode 'hello "hello")
(testcode '((hello & x) & world) "helloxworld")
(testcode '((hello % l) & (aworld % a)) "loworld")
(testcode '(((a & b) & (a & b)) & ((a & b) & (a & b))) "abababab")
(testcode '((((((abababab % a) % b) % a) % b) % a) % b) "ab")
(testcode '(((((((a & b) & (a & b)) & ((a & b) & (a & b))) % ab) % ab) % ab) % ab) "")
(testcode '(filename.scm % .) "scm")
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