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module Infer where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.IntMap (IntMap)
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
data Var = V {-# UNPACK #-} !Int (Maybe String)
data HM = HM
{ nextVar :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
, kinds :: IntMap (E Kind)
, types :: IntMap (E Type)
-- , exprs :: IntMap (E Expr)
-- simple constraint handling rules
, views :: IntMap (E Type)
, joins :: [(Var,Var,Var)]
fresh :: Maybe String -> Subst Var
fresh name = do
s <- get
let !i = nextVar s + 1
put (s { nextVar = i })
return $! V i name
type Subst a = State HM
data Super -- this space intentionally left blank!
data Kind -- this space intentionally left blank!
data Type -- this space intentionally left blank!
data Term -- this space intentionally left blank!
type family Sort s
type instance Sort Expr = Type
type instance Sort Type = Kind
type instance Sort Kind = Super
data E s where
Box :: E Super
Rho :: E Kind
Star :: E Kind
(:->) :: E Kind -> E Kind -> E Kind
ApT :: E Type -> E Type -> E Type
Arrow :: E Type -- :: Star -> Star -> Star
Sig :: E a -> E (Sort a) -> E a
Var :: Var -> E a -- :: a
Int :: E Type -- :: Star
Relation :: E Type -- :: Rho -> Star
Empty :: E Type -- :: Rho
Ellipsis :: E Type -- :: Rho
-- Field :: Name -> E Type -- :: Star -> Rho -> Rho
Field :: Name -> E Type -- :: Star -> Rho -> Rho
-- Fresh :: (Name -> E Term) -> E Term
Lam :: Maybe String -> Maybe Type -> (E Term -> E Term) -> E Term
Join :: E Term -- :: Relation a -> Relation b -> Relation (unify a b)
View :: E Type -> E Term -- :: Type -> Relation a -> Relation b
class Env a where
getEnv :: HM -> IntMap (E a)
putEnv :: HM -> IntMap (E a) -> HM
lookup :: Env a => Var -> Subst (E a)
lookup v = do
m <- gets getEnv
fromMaybe (Var v) <$> IntMap.lookup (varid v) m
class Env a => Unifiable a where
unify :: E a -> E a -> Subst ()
subst :: E a -> Subst (E a)
unifyVar :: Unifiable a => Var -> E a -> Subst ()
instance Env Kind where
getEnv = kinds
putEnv hm m = hm { kinds = m }
instance Unifiable Kinds where
unify Star Star = return ()
unify Rho Rho = return ()
unify (a :-> b) (a' :-> b') = do
unify a a'
unify b b'
unify (Var v) x = unifyVar v x
unify x (Var v) = unifyVar v x
unify _ _ = fail "kind mismatch"
subst (Var v) = subst (lookup v)
subst Star = return Star
subst Rho = return Rho
subst (a :-> b) = (:->) <$> subst a <*> subst b
instance Env Type where
getEnv = types
putEnv hm m = hm { types = m }
instance Unifiable Types where
unify = ...
-- instance Env Expr where
-- getEnv = exprs
-- putEnv hm m = hm { exprs = m }
infer :: Env a => E a -> Subst (E (Sort a))
infer Rho = return Box
infer Star = return Box
infer (Sig e t) = do
check e t -- flip to checking rather than inferring
return t
infer Arrow = return (Star `KArrow` Star `KArrow` Star)
infer (ApT f x) = do
(a :-> b) <- infer f
a' <- infer x
unify a a'
return b
infer (Lam a mt f) = do
sigma <- fresh a
case mt of
Just sigma' -> unify sigma sigma'
Nothing -> return ()
tau <- infer (f sigma)
return (Arrow `ApT` sigma `ApT` tau)
infer (Var v) = subst v
infer Int = return Star
infer Relation = return (Rho :-> Star)
infer Empty = return Rho
infer Ellipsis = return Rho
infer (Field n) = return (Star :-> Rho :-> Star)
infer (View b) = do
a <- fresh Nothing
check a Rho
check b Rho
modify $ \s -> { views = insert (varId a) b (views s) }
return $ Arrow `ApT` (Relation `ApT` a) `ApT` (Relation `ApT` b)
infer Join = do
a <- fresh Nothing
b <- fresh Nothing
c <- fresh Nothing
unify a Rho
unify b Rho
unify c Rho
modify $ \s -> s { joins = (a,b,c) : joins s }
return $ Arrow `ApT` (Relation `ApT` Var a) `ApT` (Arrow `ApT` (Relation `ApT` Var b) `ApT` (Relation `ApT` Var c))
check :: Env a -> E a -> E (Sort a) -> Subst ()
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