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Created June 22, 2022 05:59
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#lang racket
#| What does our valof defunctionalize? |#
;; So far we fully defunctionalized environments and closures. Rather
;; than explicit higher-order function calls, we instead dispatch
;; against the choices, where we have represented each choice with a
;; corresponding data structure.
;; Josh
;; Env is a function; translate to a data structure to avoid passing
;; functions in closure creation and fn application.
;; Closure is a function; translate to a data structure to
;; avoid passing function in fn application.
#| NOTE - Removed to make way for functional variants later in doc that make `(define apply (lambda (c a) (c a)))` hold
(define (make-closure x b env)
`(closure ,x ,b ,env))
(define (apply-closure c a)
(match c
[`(closure ,x ,b ,env)
(valof b (extend-env x a env))]))
(define (extend-env x a env)
`(extension ,x ,a ,env))
(define (empty-env)
(define (apply-env env y)
(match env
[`(empty) (error "unbound id" y)]
[`(extension ,x ,a ,env)
(if (eqv? x y) a (apply-env env y))]))
;; However, we began with one match expression already: in valof. We
;; didn't start by defunctionalizing higher-order functions to get
;; here. But morally, we should have. What did we defunctionalize in
;; order to create these first-order data structures?
(define (valof-defun exp env)
(match exp
[`,n #:when (number? n) n]
[`(+ ,ne1 ,ne2) (+ (valof ne1 env) (valof ne2 env))]
;; the core
[`,y #:when (symbol? y) (apply-env env y)]
[`(lambda (,x) ,b) (make-closure x b env)]
[`(,rator ,rand) (apply-closure (valof rator env) (valof rand env))]))
;; In principle, we shouldn't be constructing programs willy-nilly. We
;; oughtn't be building raw syntax. Instead each of these forms ought
;; to be the result of some syntax constructors.
;; Josh
;; Why would we want to obfuscate the language that we're implementing
;; by using syntax constructors?
;; Ah (reading ahead) - because we want to be able to represent expressions
;; as functions over environments.
#| NOTE - Remove naming collisions
(define (make-plus ne1 ne2)
`(+ ,ne1 ,ne2))
(define (make-lambda x b)
`(lambda (,x) ,b))
(define (make-app rator rand)
`(,rator ,rand))
;; With these latter ones, we don't need to use (can no longer)
;; fancier operations w/Racket's pattern matching. Truth be told, we
;; were cheating all along by using Racket's special operations.
;; Josh
;; Under what rules are we cheating?
;; Also... What fancy operations can we not use w.r.t Racket pattern matching?
;; > (match ((lambda () `(foo))) [`(foo) `(bar)])
;; '(bar)
;; > (match ((lambda () `(foo))) [`(,x) #:when (symbol? x) `(bar)])
;; '(bar)
;; Ahh.. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you mean the functional expressions further below
#| NOTE - Remove naming collisions
(define (make-sym s)
`(symbol ,s))
(define (make-num n)
`(number ,n))
;; These are the constructors that we ontensibly used to *build* our
;; programs, rather than constructing their (internal) syntax
;; directly.
;; But further---from what higher-order function representation did we
;; defunctionalize them to get these data structure representations?
;; We can follow the pattern and the usual clues. What did we do
;; before to construct the match clauses of our `apply` functions? We
;; took the bodies of the higher-order functions and the parameter
;; lists, constructed data structures in those constructors, and then
;; matched against them in the `apply` version.
;; So... Did you defunctionalize from this representation or refunctionalize to this
;; Josh - Added functional variant
(define (make-closure x b env)
(lambda (a) (valof b (extend-env x a env))))
;; Josh - Added functional variant
(define (apply-closure c a) (c a))
(define (make-plus ne1 ne2)
(lambda (env)
(+ (valof ne1 env) (valof ne2 env))))
(define (make-lambda x b)
(lambda (env)
(make-closure x b env)))
(define (make-app rator rand)
(lambda (env)
(apply-closure (valof rator env) (valof rand env))))
(define (make-sym s)
(lambda (env)
(apply-env env s)))
(define (make-num n)
(lambda (env)
(define (valof exp env)
(exp env))
;; We don't normally begin writing or expressing intepreters in this
;; style. But why not? If it's so critical to first expose students to
;; the denotations of environments and closures, then why isn't it
;; equally important to expose them first to the denotations of
;; expressions?
;; Josh
;; The literal concept of an expression, the vertical slice of the expression,
;; separated from valof. Valof only concerns itself with evaluating the expression.
;; No parsing necessary.
;; Expr : Environment -> *
;; Valof : Expr x Environment -> *
;; Josh
;; Reminds me of the valof variant where we distribute the env into each match expression.
;; 1. (define (valof exp) (match (exp) (`,x #:when (symbol? x) (lambda (env) (env x)))))
;; a. ((valof ...) empty-env)
;; This is interesting, though, because even though the env is distributed across expressions;
;; the entire interpreter seems inverted.
;; Reminds me of this functional list implementation. Representing data as functions allows us
;; to avoid dereferencing|parsing|etc
(define (carJ ls) (lambda (a d) a))
(define (cdrJ ls) (lambda (a d) d))
(define (consJ a d) (lambda (pick) (pick a d)))
;; Further, if I wanted to express to a code-reading student the
;; importance of compositionality, I would ask that student to
;; implement a new form for my language in this setting. I think that
;; underlines it especially well.
;; Josh
;; Agreed
;; This means, though, that we should have a
;; representation-/de/pendent, *functional* version of this same
;; structure. What should *that* be? What kind of thing is that?
;; /That/ is the denotation of a program:
(lambda (env)
(lambda (env)
(valof (lambda (env)
(make-closure 'x
(lambda (env)
(make-closure 'y (make-sym 'x) env))
(valof (lambda (env) '5) env)))
(valof (lambda (env) '6) env)))
;; (This is what *I* call functional programming :-)
;; Josh
;; I've never met anybody who loves unrolling things as much as you, Jason.
;; That being said, what makes the above different from the below,
;; minus some substitutions? Isn't it a given that substituting
;; the bodies of the functional builders would give you a rep-dep
;; functional version?
(define test (make-app (make-app (make-lambda 'x (make-lambda 'y (make-sym 'x))) (make-num 5)) (make-num 6)))
;; It was a little bothersome that eval ended up being so much bigger
;; than apply. We have many more forms of syntax than we have kinds of
;; closures to apply. But this also relieves that fundamental
;; disparity.
;; With this version, both eval and apply are simple, one-line
;; functions. They are in fact syntactically /identical/ functions,
;; and they look more like true mirror images or a Yin-Yang pair than
;; they had defunctionalized.
;; Josh
;; This is slick
(lambda (c a)
(c a))
(lambda (expr env)
(expr env))
;; Here, an expression is truly a function from environments to values
;; Josh
;; #t - why is this desirable? Are expressions generally thought of as `Environment -> *` in literature?
;; The same way a closure is truly a function from values to values
;; Josh
;; #t
;; A lambda expression is not a closure. A lambda is a function that
;; first takes an environment.
;; Josh
;; And returns a closure when given an environment?
;; What's seen by the user of the language vs what's work is done
;; internally within the interpreter is important here
;; AKA - As a user of this language, a lambda _looks_ and _behaves_
;; like a closure, but under the hood it is not.
;; btw - this seems like a difference that could easily trip up a student,
;; especially considering that they're using Racket lambdas. To drive the point,
;; maybe a brief rename from `make-lambda` to something like `make-function` would
;; elucidate that difference.
;; When we say "closures are values", this denotationally means that
;; functions from values to values are *themselves* values.
;; Josh
;; #t
;; Further I think this gives one *more* view on how small-but-big is
;; the mistake of implementing dynamic scope instead of lexical
;; scope.
;; Josh
;; It's late and I'm rusty, but I want to make our `make-app` take
;; an additional `env` parameter to evaluate functions in the calling
;; environment.
;; It's not immediately clear to me how you'd allow this without exposing
;; the environment to the user, which seems like a bad idea.
(define (make-app rator rand env)
(lambda (_env)
(apply-closure (valof rator env) (valof rand env))))
;; There is still a really interesting story to tell here wrt
;; continuations
;; Josh
;; For another night.
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