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Forked from marko-knoebl/
Created June 29, 2023 18:47
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A checklist for learning React - Fork it and start ticking off topics!

React topics checklist

A checklist for learning React - Fork it and start ticking off topics!

React fundamentals

  • use-cases of React
  • JavaScript basics for React
    • immutability / data management without mutations
      • updating properties of objects
      • adding properties to objects
      • adding elements to arrays (create)
      • replacing elements in arrays (update)
      • removing elements from arrays (delete)
    • destructuring assignment with arrays and objects
    • imports and exports: named and default
  • state
    • using the state hook (useState)
    • minimal state and derived values
    • input state
      • connecting input values to state with value and onChange
      • handling various input types
      • handling numeric inputs
    • importance of immutability in React state
    • using the state hook with TypeScript
  • JSX
    • switching from JS to XML mode
    • switching from XML to JS mode in content
    • switching from XML to JS mode in element properties
    • including strings and numbers
    • setting boolean HTML properties (e.g. disabled)
    • className
    • the style property in JSX
    • whitespace in HTML vs whitespace in JSX
    • escaping characters like <, &, >
    • comments
    • if / else
      • the operator && in JS and JSX
    • repeating elements
      • the key property
    • adding event handlers in JSX
      • accessing the event object
      • onClick={handleEvent} (do) vs onClick={handleEvent()} (don't)
      • preventDefault
      • event types in TypeScript
    • JSX fragments
    • security and XSS attacks
      • dangerouslySetInnerHtml
    • compilation of JSX
  • development environment
    • formatter (e.g. prettier)
    • linter (e.g. eslint)
    • developing with node.js and npm
    • initializing a React project (e.g. via create-react-app)
    • development server
    • production build and deployment
    • React Developer Tools browser plugin
    • project file structure: common approaches
  • TypeScript basics for React
    • TypeScript benefits: autocompletion and error reporting
    • type declarations for libraries
    • type inference
    • declaring types of variables
    • primitive types: number, string, boolean
    • array types
    • object types
      • optional properties
    • any
    • type aliases and interfaces basics
      • exporting and importing type aliases and interfaces
    • function signatures and function types
      • void
    • type assertions
    • using (pre-existing) generics
    • union types
  • components
    • overview: function components and class components
    • defining components as functions
    • sharing data between components
    • overview of existing component libraries
    • props in custom components
    • events in custom components
    • passing content to components
    • wrapping existing elements in components (e.g. button -> StyledButton)
  • hooks
    • what are hooks?
    • rules of hooks
    • overview of built-in hooks and hooks from libraries
    • creating custom hooks

React libraries and tools

  • React ecosystem and libraries for different purposes (overview)
    • component libraries
    • API queries
    • routing
    • styling tools
    • form handling
    • state management
  • querying APIs
    • network requests in JavaScript (fetch, async/await)
    • API query libraries for React: e.g. react-query
    • overview: useEffect
  • routing basics
    • client-side routing
    • react-router library
      • defining routes
      • using links
      • nested routes
      • route parameters
      • navigation from JavaScript
      • active link style
  • styling tools
    • tools for external stylesheets
      • classnames package
      • CSS modules
      • SCSS
    • CSS-in-JS
      • inline styles
      • "styled components"
    • animations
      • animating appearance / disapperance of elements
  • forms
    • form validation strategies
    • libraries for forms: react-hook-form, formik
  • state management overview
    • libraries: zustand, redux, mobX, ...

Intermediate React

  • state hook in detail
    • state transformer functions, outdated state
    • state initialization function
  • class components
    • defining components as classes
    • props in class components
    • state in class components
    • potential problems with this
  • side effects
    • purposes of side effects
    • side effects in class components
    • side effects in function components
    • cleaning up side effects
    • "strict mode" and double invocation of side effects
  • context
    • "pure providers" and "stateful providers"
    • stateful context with constate
    • context with vanilla React
  • refs
    • refs for storing objects that don't influence the rendering
    • using refs for avoiding outdated state
    • the ref property for accessing DOM elements
    • the ref property in custom components

Performance optimization

  • React devtools and performance
  • memoization
  • memoization of expensive calculations
  • skipping unneeded rerenders
  • virtual DOM
  • lazy-loading components
  • reducing bundle size


  • Testing in JavaScript
    • assertions
    • test runners: e.g. Jest, node:test
    • mocking in JavaScript, mocking network responses
    • end-to-end testing libraries: e.g. cypress, playwright
  • Testing in React: react-testing-library

State management: intermediate

  • concept: actions
  • concept: reducers
  • reducer hook
  • overview: Redux
  • immutability helper libraries (immer.js, immutable.js)

Advanced concepts and patterns

  • portals
  • error boundaries
  • higher-order components
  • render props

Other topics

  • user authentication
  • internationalization
  • pre-rendering and next.js
  • Redux in depth
  • React and GraphQL / Apollo
  • React Native
  • PWAs
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