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Last active July 12, 2024 07:47
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Super basic SwiftUI app (70 lines of code) with paywall using RevenueCat

Super basic SwiftUI with paywall using RevenueCat

I wanted to show how to make a SwiftUI app that can easily get updated customer info (when purchases are made) to update the user interface to show the newly unlockd content.

  • Listens for CustomerInfo updates using Purchases.shared.customerInfoStream (an AsyncSequence)
  • Updates a @StateObject that is passed as an environment object to children views
  • ContentView will...
    • Display paywall from current Offering if no active entitlements
    • Show a Text (unlocked content) if active entitlements
    • Will update automatically when the customer info environment object is updated


⚠️ This demo is using an account that is used for lots of sandbox testing so the two "lifetime" packages isn't a bug 😛 Just something I need to clean up 🤷‍♂️

import SwiftUI
import RevenueCat
struct Constants {
static let apiKey = "<your_api_key>" // Will look like: appl_bunchofotherstuffhere
static let entitlementName = "<your_entitlement_name>" // I use something like "pro"
struct ATinySampleApp: App {
@StateObject private var revenueCatCustomerData = RevenueCatCustomerData()
init() {
// Configure Purchases
Purchases.logLevel = .debug
Purchases.configure(with: Configuration
.builder(withAPIKey: Constants.apiKey)
.with(usesStoreKit2IfAvailable: true)
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// Passes updated customer info to children views
.task {
// Listens to AsyncSequence for customer info updates
for await customerInfo in Purchases.shared.customerInfoStream {
self.revenueCatCustomerData.customerInfo = customerInfo
self.revenueCatCustomerData.appUserID = Purchases.shared.appUserID
// Observable object that holds RevenueCat customer data
// Any updates to this object will trigger updates to SwiftUI views
class RevenueCatCustomerData: ObservableObject {
@Published var appUserID: String? = nil
@Published var customerInfo: RevenueCat.CustomerInfo? = nil
var isUnlocked: Bool {
return customerInfo?[Constants.entitlementName] != nil
import SwiftUI
import RevenueCat
struct ContentView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var revenueCatCustomerData: RevenueCatCustomerData
@State var currentOffering: Offering?
var body: some View {
VStack {
if revenueCatCustomerData.isUnlocked {
// User has purchased a product with the entitlement and unlocked content
Text("Has Pro!")
} else if let offering = self.currentOffering {
// Iterate over packages in current offering
// Display buttons to purchase package
ForEach(offering.availablePackages) { package in
Button {
Task {
try await Purchases.shared.purchase(package: package)
} label: {
}.task {
do {
self.currentOffering = try await Purchases.shared.offerings().current
} catch {
// Handle
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