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Last active July 30, 2021 12:58
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Example of how to add metadata to blocks for handling text alignment correctly
import { Modifier, EditorState, RichUtils } from 'draft-js';
import getCurrentlySelectedBlock from './getCurrentlySelectedBlock';
export const ALIGNMENTS = {
CENTER: 'center',
JUSTIFY: 'justify',
LEFT: 'left',
RIGHT: 'right'
export const ALIGNMENT_DATA_KEY = 'textAlignment';
const ExtendedRichUtils = Object.assign({}, RichUtils, {
// Largely copied from RichUtils' `toggleBlockType`
toggleAlignment(editorState, alignment) {
const { content, currentBlock, hasAtomicBlock, target } = getCurrentlySelectedBlock(editorState);
if (hasAtomicBlock) {
return editorState;
const blockData = currentBlock.getData();
const alignmentToSet = blockData && blockData.get(ALIGNMENT_DATA_KEY) === alignment ?
undefined :
return EditorState.push(
Modifier.mergeBlockData(content, target, {
[ALIGNMENT_DATA_KEY]: alignmentToSet
* An extension of the default split block functionality, originally pulled from
* This version ensures that the text alignment is copied from the previously selected block.
splitBlock(editorState) {
// Original split logic
const contentState = Modifier.splitBlock(
const splitState = EditorState.push(editorState, contentState, 'split-block');
// Assign alignment if previous block has alignment. Note that `currentBlock` is the block that was selected
// before the split.
const { currentBlock } = getCurrentlySelectedBlock(editorState);
const alignment = currentBlock.getData().get(ALIGNMENT_DATA_KEY);
if (alignment) {
return ExtendedRichUtils.toggleAlignment(splitState, alignment);
} else {
return splitState;
export default ExtendedRichUtils;
const getCurrentlySelectedBlock = (editorState) => {
const selection = editorState.getSelection();
const startKey = selection.getStartKey();
let endKey = selection.getEndKey();
const content = editorState.getCurrentContent();
let target = selection;
// Triple-click can lead to a selection that includes offset 0 of the
// following block. The `SelectionState` for this case is accurate, but
// we should avoid toggling block type for the trailing block because it
// is a confusing interaction.
if (startKey !== endKey && selection.getEndOffset() === 0) {
const blockBefore = content.getBlockBefore(endKey);
if (!blockBefore) {
throw new Error('Got unexpected null or undefined');
endKey = blockBefore.getKey();
target = target.merge({
anchorKey: startKey,
anchorOffset: selection.getStartOffset(),
focusKey: endKey,
focusOffset: blockBefore.getLength(),
isBackward: false
const hasAtomicBlock = content.getBlockMap()
.skipWhile((_, k) => k !== startKey)
.takeWhile((_, k) => k !== endKey)
.some(v => v.getType() === 'atomic');
const currentBlock = content.getBlockForKey(startKey);
return {
export default getCurrentlySelectedBlock;
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michorvath commented Jul 30, 2021

I tried to set up a codepen to share a fully working example but I used Material UI and it was a nightmare to try and get that running in codepen. So instead I will just briefly explain that to use the splitBlock method you want to add a prop (handleReturn) to the Editor component that comes from Draft, like so:

import React, { useState } from 'react';
import { Editor, EditorState } from 'draft-js';
import ExtendedRichUtils from './utils/ExtendedRichUtils.js';

function RichTextEditor() {
  const [editorState, setEditorState] = useState(EditorState.createEmpty());
  return (
      handleReturn={() => {
        return 'handled';

The handleReturn method is briefly mentioned here. Returning the string "handled" prevents the default behavior and lets us supplement our own.

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