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Last active August 29, 2018 20:42
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Hapi v17 Shim - probably not 100% complete - not recommended for production
const Hapi = require('hapi');
const Boom = require('boom');
function installShim(server) {
* Request wrapping factory that emulates Hapi v14 behavior.
function handlerWrapper(originalHandler, { isPreResponse = false } = {}) {
// Leave undefined, null, and string (registered server functions) values unchanged.
if (originalHandler === null ||
originalHandler === undefined ||
typeof originalHandler === 'string' ||
originalHandler instanceof String) {
return originalHandler;
// Support arrays of handlers
if (originalHandler instanceof Array) {
return => handlerWrapper(o, { isPreResponse }));
// Support object-style methods (ex. in pre responses)
if (typeof originalHandler === 'object' && typeof originalHandler.method === 'function') {
originalHandler.method = handlerWrapper(originalHandler.method, { isPreResponse });
return originalHandler;
// If we're to this point but we don't have a function, something is wrong.
if (typeof originalHandler !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`${originalHandler} is not a function!`);
// NOTE: the `name` property of this wrapped handler will be undefined.
return (request, h) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let replied = false;
// Creates a thunk around the translation function that will:
// - Verify only one reply method is called in a handler
// - Return the constructed response object
// - Defer resolving the promise until the handler function has completed modifying it.
const replyWrapper = (func) => {
return (...args) => {
if (replied) {
throw new Error(`reply cannot be called more than once!`);
} else {
replied = true;
const response =, ...args);
// Defer actually resolving the promise until the handler has finished modifying the response.
process.nextTick(() => {
return response;
// The main reply interface.
const reply = replyWrapper((err, resp) => {
if (err instanceof Error) {
return Boom.boomify(err);
} else if (isPreResponse) {
return err || resp; // preresponses should not be wrapped with h.response
} else {
return h.response(err || resp);
reply.redirect = replyWrapper((uri) => {
return h.redirect(uri);
reply.continue = replyWrapper(() => {
return h.continue;
reply.close = replyWrapper(() => {
return h.close;
originalHandler(request, reply);
* Override server.route
const originalRoute = server.route;
server.route = (routeConfigs) => {
// Coerce into an array
routeConfigs = [].concat(routeConfigs);
routeConfigs.forEach((routeConfig) => {
// Handler can be in either of these locations
routeConfig.handler = handlerWrapper(routeConfig.handler);
// If there's no config object, we're done.
if (!routeConfig.config) {
} else if (typeof routeConfig.config === 'function') {
// the `config` key can be a function. call it the same way Hapi.Route would.
routeConfig.config =, server);
// Replace config.handler if present
routeConfig.config.handler = handlerWrapper(routeConfig.config.handler);
// Replace any pre responses
if (routeConfig.config.pre instanceof Array) {
routeConfig.config.pre = => {
if (typeof pre === 'function') {
// Support implicit pre assigning by function name.
return handlerWrapper({ method: pre, assign: });
} else {
return handlerWrapper(pre);
// Replace any ext functions
if (routeConfig.config.ext) {
Object.keys(routeConfig.config.ext).forEach((extType) => {
routeConfig.config.ext[extType] = handlerWrapper(routeConfig.config.ext[extType]);
// With all of our handlers replaced, pass them up to Hapi.Server
return, routeConfigs);
* Override server.ext
const originalExt = server.ext;
server.ext = (event, method, options) => {
let events = [];
// Support individual extension point calls or Array of extension points.
if (typeof event === 'string' || event instanceof String) {
type: event,
} else if (event instanceof Array) {
events = event;
} else {
throw new Error(`Unexpected arguments passed to server.ext: ${event}, ${method}, ${options}`);
// Replace all methods
events.forEach((event) => {
if (typeof event.method !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`Extension points must supply a method function!`);
event.method = handlerWrapper(event.method);
return, events);
* Demo application
const server = new Hapi.Server({ host: 'localhost', port: 3000 });
method: 'GET',
path: '/a',
handler(request, reply) {
reply('Hello World!').code(404).type('text/blah');
method: 'GET',
path: '/b',
handler(request, reply) {
method: 'GET',
path: '/c',
config: {
handler(request, reply) {
reply({ hello: 'c' });
method: 'GET',
path: '/d',
config: {
pre: [
function wow1(req, reply) {
{ method: (req, reply) => reply('x'), assign: 'wow2' }
handler(request, reply) {
server.ext('onRequest', (request, reply) => {
console.log(`Request: ${request.method.toUpperCase()} ${request.path}`);
type: 'onRequest',
method(request, reply) {
if (request.path === '/b') {
reply('TAKING OVER').code(201).takeover();
} else {
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