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Created March 13, 2017 18:26
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GGG PoE API & indexer - good way to make easy money
import time
import requests
import re
import sys
from termcolor import colored, cprint
from pprint import pprint
armor_price = []
weps_price = []
div_price = []
map_price = []
flask_price = []
def get_item_value(itemName, itemClass):
global armor_price
global weps_price
global div_price
global map_price
global flask_price
for armor in armor_price:
if armor.get('name') == itemName and armor.get('itemClass') == itemClass:
return float(armor.get('chaosValue'))
for weps in weps_price:
if weps.get('name') == itemName and weps.get('itemClass') == itemClass:
return float(weps.get('chaosValue'))
for div in div_price:
if div.get('name') == itemName:
return float(div.get('chaosValue'))
for map in map_price:
if map.get('name') == itemName:
return float(map.get('chaosValue'))
for flask in flask_price:
if flask.get('name') == itemName:
return float(map.get('chaosValue'))
return 0
def getFrameType(frameType):
if frameType == 3: return "UNI"
if frameType == 4: return "GEM"
if frameType == 5: return "CUR"
if frameType == 6: return "DIV"
if frameType == 9: return "LEG"
return frameType
def find_items(stashes):
# scan stashes available...
for stash in stashes:
accountName = stash['accountName']
lastCharacterName = stash['lastCharacterName']
items = stash['items']
stashName = stash.get('stash')
# scan items
for item in items:
if item.get('league') == 'Legacy':
typeLine = item.get('typeLine', None)
name = re.sub(r'<<.*>>', '', item.get('name',None))
price = item.get('note', None)
frameType = item.get('frameType', None)
# for divination
if name is None or name == "":
name = typeLine
#if "Rain of" in name or "Map" in name:
# print (name, get_item_value(name, frameType))
## compare unique that worth at least 1 chaos.
if price and name and 'chaos' in price:
if not re.findall(r'\d+', price)[0]:
price_normalized = float(re.findall(r'\d+', price)[0])
item_value = get_item_value(name, frameType)
if item_value is not 0 and (item_value - price_normalized) > 3.0 and price_normalized is not 0:
if 'Atziri' in name or 'Sadima' in name or 'Drillneck' in name:
price = price.replace("~b/o ", "")
price = price.replace("~price ", "")
perc_decrease = ((item_value - price_normalized) / item_value) * 100
msg = "[{} - {}c/{}c - {}%] @{} Hi, I would like to buy your {} listed for {} in Legacy (stash tab \"{}\"; position: left {}, top {}) -- {}".format(
getFrameType(frameType), price_normalized, item_value, round(perc_decrease),
lastCharacterName, name, price, stashName, item.get('x'), item.get('y'), item.get('note')
if perc_decrease >= 50:
cprint(msg, 'red')
elif perc_decrease >= 30:
cprint(msg, 'yellow')
elif frameType >= 20:
cprint(msg, 'green')
elif frameType >= 10:
cprint(msg, 'white')
def main():
global armor_price
global weps_price
global div_price
global map_price
global flask_price
print("Searching for mispriced items..." )
url_api = ""
# get the next change id
r = requests.get("")
next_change_id = r.json().get('nextChangeId')
# get unique armour value
url_ninja = "" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
r = requests.get(url_ninja)
armor_price = r.json().get('lines')
# get unique weapons
url_ninja = "" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
r = requests.get(url_ninja)
weps_price = r.json().get('lines')
# get divination card
url_divi = "" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
r = requests.get(url_divi)
div_price = r.json().get('lines')
# get maps
url_map = "" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
r = requests.get(url_map)
map_price = r.json().get('lines')
# get flask
url_map = "" + time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
r = requests.get(url_map)
flask_price = r.json().get('lines')
while True:
params = {'id': next_change_id}
r = requests.get(url_api, params = params)
## parsing structure
data = r.json()
## setting next change id
next_change_id = data['next_change_id']
## attempt to find items...
## wait 5 seconds until parsing next structure
if __name__ == "__main__":
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