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Last active December 18, 2015 17:09
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Save joshed-io/5816332 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple Ruby script illustrating how to implement Redis-style ZRANK on the result of a Keen IO group_by query
# Example Keen IO API response for a count, grouped by an 'entry' field
keen_result = [
"entry" => "Apple",
"result" => 15
"entry" => "Orange",
"result" => 10
"entry" => "Grape",
"result" => 5
"entry" => "Pear",
"result" => 7
# flatten the API response into a single hash
# e.g. {"Apple"=>15, "Orange"=>10, "Grape"=>5, "Pear"=>7}
flat_hash = keen_result.inject({}) { |acc, entry|
acc[entry["entry"]] = entry["result"]; acc
# create a 'set', sorted by the entry count
# e.g. [["Grape", 5], ["Pear", 7], ["Orange", 10], ["Apple", 15]]
sorted_set = flat_hash.sort_by { |entry, count| count }
# given an sorted array of pairs, find the index of the pair
# whose value matches the 'entry' param
def zrank(entry, set)
set.each_with_index { |pair, index|
return index if entry == pair[0]
puts "Apple: #{zrank("Apple", sorted_set)}" #=> 3
puts "Orange: #{zrank("Orange", sorted_set)}" #=> 2
puts "Grape: #{zrank("Grape", sorted_set)}" #=> 0
puts "Pear: #{zrank("Pear", sorted_set)}" #=> 1
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The Keen IO API doesn't have a formal ZRANK operation but it's fairly easy to implement using the response of a group by query.

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Thanks :)

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