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Created October 23, 2016 20:41
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Gets location information about the ip address of a local or remote computer by calling a public web service that performs ip geolocation. This function currently only supports IPv4 addresses.
# Gets location information about the ip address of a local or remote computer
# by calling a public web service that performs ip geolocation.
# This function currently only supports IPv4 addresses.
function Get-PublicIP {
# The IP address to get location information for.
# Leave blank to get the public IP of the machine
# running the query. Use the ComputerName parameter
# to run the query on a remote computer via remoting.
# If specified, the lookup is performed on a remote
# computer using PowerShell remoting, which must be
# properly setup and authenticated.
process {
# Call the IP geolocation IP
# If computername was specified, then issue the web request from the
# remote computer.
$Response = $(
$ScriptBlock = { Invoke-RestMethod$IPAddress }
if ($ComputerName) { Invoke-Command -ComputerName $ComputerName -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock }
else { Invoke-ScriptBlock -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock }
# If we got a valid response, proceed to reverse DNS
if ($Response.query -match "(\d+\.){3}\d+") {
# Format the IP address and location of the
# response depending on whether it's a US or foreign IP
$IP = [IPAddress]$Response.query
$Location = "{0}, {1}" -f ($, $
if ($Response.countryCode -eq 'US') {
$Location = "{0}, {1}" -f ($, $Response.region)
# Attempt to do a reverse DNS lookup.
# If it fails, the IP address will be used instead.
$HostName = $IP.ToString()
try { $HostName = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostEntry($IP).HostName }
catch { }
# Construct an object to return to the pipeline
PSComputerName = $Response.PSComputerName
IPAddress = $IP
HostName = $HostName
Location = $Location
ISP = $Response.isp
Organization = $
else {
Write-Error "Error getting IP info."
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