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Created October 21, 2011 22:35
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python script to go from '000' to '999'
import readline, rlcompleter
readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete")
def zeropad(n,zeros=3):
"Pad number n with zeros. Example: zeropad(7,3) == '007'"
nstr = str(n)
while len(nstr) < zeros:
nstr = "0" + nstr
return nstr
def incr(fn=zeropad,arg=[3]):
"Iterator that returns from '001' to '999' and beyond."
counter = 0
while True:
counter = counter + 1
yield fn(counter,*arg)
def _test_zeropad():
assert zeropad(7) == "007"
assert zeropad(19) == "019"
assert zeropad(999) == "999"
assert zeropad(12345) == "12345"
assert zeropad(1,5) == "00001"
return True
def _test_incr():
i = incr()
assert == "001"
for x in xrange(1,901):
tested =
assert tested == "902", tested
return True
__all__ = [incr, zeropad]
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