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Created September 12, 2017 17:59
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Example of a custom template for the [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES] shortcode. Event Espresso 4. You can add this template to your active WordPress theme.
* Content Template for the [ESPRESSO_EVENT_ATTENDEES] shortcode
* @package Event Espresso
* @subpackage templates
* @since 4.6.29
* @author Darren Ethier
* Template Args that are available in this template
* @type EE_Attendee $contact
* @type bool $show_gravatar whether to show gravatar or not.
if ( $show_gravatar ) {
$gravatar = get_avatar( $contact->email(),
(int) apply_filters( 'FHEE__loop-espresso_attendees-shortcode__template__avatar_size', 32 )
} else {
$gravatar = '';
$group_size = $contact->get_most_recent_registration_for_event( $event->get('EVT_ID'))->get('REG_group_size');
// if group size is 1, ditch the quantity display
$group_size = $group_size > 1 ? '(' . $group_size . ')' : '';
<?php do_action( 'AHEE__content-espresso_event_attendees__before', $contact, $show_gravatar ); ?>
<li><?php echo $gravatar . '&nbsp;' . $contact->full_name() . ' ' . $group_size; ?></li>
<?php do_action( 'AHEE__content-espresso_event_attendees__after', $contact, $show_gravatar ); ?>
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