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Created May 3, 2013 13:36
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Save joshfeck/5509145 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An example of a somewhat complicated way of loading jQuery. Why not simply declare jQuery as a dependency and let WordPress manage the version of jQuery that is used?
// start with setting some defaults
* Set defaults
function squelch_taas_set_defaults() {
// Default versions of external scripts
$jquery_ver = '1.9.1';
$jquery_ui_ver = '1.10.2';
// Show welcme message
update_option( 'squelch_taas_showmessage', 2 );
// Default options
set_default_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_theme', 'smoothness' );
set_default_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ver', $jquery_ver );
set_default_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver', $jquery_ui_ver );
update_option( 'squelch_taas_load_jquery', true );
update_option( 'squelch_taas_load_jquery_ui', true );
// Has the user set their own jQuery / jQuery UI versions?
$update_jquery = (get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ver') == get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ver_default') );
$update_jquery_ui = (get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver') == get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver_default') );
if ($update_jquery) error_log( "Going to update jquery ver");
else error_log( 'jquery ver: '.get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ver') );
if ($update_jquery_ui) error_log( "Going to update jquery ui ver");
else error_log( 'jquery UI ver: '.get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver') );
update_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ver_default', $jquery_ver );
update_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver_default', $jquery_ui_ver );
// On upgrade, bump the version of jquery loaded UNLESS the user has overridden the versions in the config, in which case warn them
if ($update_jquery) update_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ver', $jquery_ver );
else update_option( 'squelch_taas_upgrade_warning', 1 );
if ($update_jquery_ui) update_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver', $jquery_ui_ver );
else update_option( 'squelch_taas_upgrade_warning', 1 );
// [...]
// set up some detection and warning messages if someone changes the default settings to load a different version of jQuery
if ( get_option( 'squelch_taas_upgrade_warning' ) > 0 ) {
$url = squelch_taas_get_plugin_admin_url();
$url_rmv = $url.'&taas-rmvmsg=upgrade_warning';
$update_jquery = !(get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ver') == get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ver_default' ));
$update_jquery_ui = !(get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver') == get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver_default' ));
if ($update_jquery || $update_jquery_ui) {
$jquery_ver = get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ver' );
$jquery_ui_ver = get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver' );
$jquery_ver_default = get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ver_default' );
$jquery_ui_ver_default = get_option( 'squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver_default' );
$msg = '<div class="error">'
.'You have configured Squelch Tabs and Accordions Shortcodes to load ';
if ($update_jquery && $update_jquery_ui) $msg .= 'version '.$jquery_ver.' of jQuery and version '.$jquery_ui_ver.' of jQuery UI ';
else if (!$update_jquery && $update_jquery_ui) $msg .= 'version '.$jquery_ui_ver.' of jQuery UI ';
else $msg .= 'version '.$jquery_ver.' of jQuery ';
$msg .= ''
.'on your website, but the recommended ';
if ($update_jquery && $update_jquery_ui) $msg .= 'versions are now '.$jquery_ver_default.' and '.$jquery_ui_ver_default.'. ';
else if (!$update_jquery && $update_jquery_ui) $msg .= 'version is now '.$jquery_ui_ver_default.'. ';
else $msg .= 'version is now '.$jquery_ver_default.'. ';
$msg .= ''
.'It is highly recommended that you update your settings to the new versions on the '
.'<a href="'.$url.'">settings</a> page. '
.'<a href="'.$url_rmv.'">Remove this message</a></p></div>';
echo $msg;
// [...]
// deregister the WP bundled copy of jQuery and "hard-wire the plugin to specific versions to prevent incompatibility problems"
* Enqueue the JavaScript and CSS.
function squelch_taas_enqueue_scripts() {
global $taas_plugin_ver;
$load_jquery = get_option('squelch_taas_load_jquery');
$jquery_ver = get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ver');
$load_jquery_ui = get_option('squelch_taas_load_jquery_ui');
$jquery_ui_ver = get_option('squelch_taas_jquery_ui_ver');
$protocol = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] !== 'off' || $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) ? "https:" : "http:";
// Piggyback the Google APIs CDN but hard-wire the plugin to specific versions to prevent incompatibility problems
if ($load_jquery) {
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery' );
wp_register_script( 'jquery', $protocol.'//'.$jquery_ver.'/jquery.min.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery' );
if ($load_jquery_ui) {
wp_deregister_script( 'jquery-ui-core' );
wp_register_script( 'jquery-ui-core', $protocol.'//'.$jquery_ui_ver.'/jquery-ui.min.js' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-core' );
// Enqueue the JavaScript
plugins_url( 'js/squelch-tabs-and-accordions.js', __FILE__ ),
array( 'jquery', 'jquery-ui-core' ),
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