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Last active November 10, 2022 15:39
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Plugin Name: Event Espresso WP User extensions plugin
Description: For extending the WP User integration add-on from Event Espresso. This adds limited support for creating new user accounts for the additional attendees.
* Modifies the WP User Integration add-on for EE4 to create a new user account for each attendee within a transaction
* FAQ's
* Q: What if the person doing the registration is logged in?
* A: New user accounts will be created for additional registrations **only**.
* Q: What happens if there is already a user account matching the email address for one of the registrations?
* A: By default, it will not allow the registration to proceed and they will be prompted to use a different email address or log in.
add_action( 'AHEE__EE_System__load_espresso_addons', 'plugin_ee_wpuser_for_attendee_set_hooks', 11 );
function plugin_ee_wpuser_for_attendee_set_hooks() {
if ( ! is_admin() ) {
remove_action( 'AHEE__EE_Single_Page_Checkout__process_attendee_information__end', array( 'EED_WP_Users_SPCO', 'process_wpuser_for_attendee' ), 11 );
add_action( 'AHEE__EE_Single_Page_Checkout__process_attendee_information__end', 'plugin_ee_process_wpuser_for_attendee', 10, 2 );
if ( EE_FRONT_AJAX ) {
remove_action( 'AHEE__EE_Single_Page_Checkout__process_attendee_information__end', array( 'EED_WP_Users_SPCO', 'process_wpuser_for_attendee' ), 11 );
add_action( 'AHEE__EE_Single_Page_Checkout__process_attendee_information__end', 'plugin_ee_process_wpuser_for_attendee', 10, 2 );
function plugin_ee_process_wpuser_for_attendee( EE_SPCO_Reg_Step_Attendee_Information $spco, $valid_data ) {
if ( class_exists( 'EED_WP_Users_SPCO' ) ) {
//use spco to get registrations from the
$registrations = EED_WP_Users_SPCO::_get_registrations( $spco );
foreach ( $registrations as $registration ) {
$user_created = FALSE;
$att_id = '';
$attendee = $registration->attendee();
if ( ! $attendee instanceof EE_Attendee ) {
//should always be an attendee, but if not we continue just to prevent errors.
//if user logged in, then let's just use that user. Otherwise we'll attempt to get a
//user via the attendee info.
if ( is_user_logged_in() && $registration->is_primary_registrant() ) {
$user = get_userdata( get_current_user_id() );
} else {
//is there already a user for the given attendee?
$user = get_user_by( 'email', $attendee->email() );
//does this user have the same att_id as the given att? If NOT, then we do NOT update because it's possible there was a family member or something sharing the same email address but is a different attendee record.
$att_id = $user instanceof WP_User ? get_user_option( 'EE_Attendee_ID', $user->ID ) : $att_id;
if ( ! empty( $att_id ) && $att_id != $attendee->ID() ) {
$event = $registration->event();
//no existing user? then we'll create the user from the date in the attendee form.
if ( ! $user instanceof WP_User ) {
//if this event does NOT allow automatic user creation then let's bail.
if ( ! EE_WPUsers::is_auto_user_create_on( $event ) ) {
return; //no we do NOT auto create users please.
$password = wp_generate_password( 12, false );
//remove our action for creating contacts on creating user because we don't want to loop!
remove_action( 'user_register', array( 'EED_WP_Users_Admin', 'sync_with_contact' ) );
$user_id = wp_create_user(
$user_created = true;
if ( $user_id instanceof WP_Error ) {
continue; //get out because something went wrong with creating the user.
$user = new WP_User( $user_id );
update_user_option( $user->ID, 'description', apply_filters( 'FHEE__EED_WP_Users_SPCO__process_wpuser_for_attendee__user_description_field', __( 'Registered via event registration form', 'event_espresso' ), $user, $attendee, $registration ) );
// only do the below if syncing is enabled.
if ( $user_created || EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->addons->user_integration->sync_user_with_contact ) {
//remove our existing action for updating users via saves in the admin to prevent recursion
remove_action( 'profile_update', array( 'EED_WP_Users_Admin', 'sync_with_contact' ) );
'ID' => $user->ID,
'nickname' => $attendee->fname(),
'display_name' => $attendee->full_name(),
'first_name' => $attendee->fname(),
'last_name' => $attendee->lname()
//if user created then send notification and attach attendee to user
if ( $user_created ) {
do_action( 'AHEE__EED_WP_Users_SPCO__process_wpuser_for_attendee__user_user_created', $user, $attendee, $registration, $password );
//set user role
$user->set_role( EE_WPUsers::default_user_create_role( $event ) );
update_user_option( $user->ID, 'EE_Attendee_ID', $attendee->ID() );
} else {
do_action( 'AHEE__EED_WP_Users_SPCO__process_wpuser_for_attendee__user_user_updated', $user, $attendee, $registration );
//failsafe just in case this is a logged in user not created by this system that has never had an attendee record.
$att_id = empty( $att_id ) ? get_user_option( 'EE_Attendee_ID', $user->ID ) : $att_id;
if ( empty( $att_id ) && (EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->addons->user_integration->sync_user_with_contact
|| (
$attendee->fname() === $user->first_name
&& $attendee->lname() === $user->last_name
&& $attendee->email() === $user->user_email
) ) ) {
update_user_option( $user->ID, 'EE_Attendee_ID', $attendee->ID() );
} //end registrations loop
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