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Created May 23, 2017 21:11
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Methods to stop a loop from executing.
(defn ping-forever-core-async
[host ms-pause]
(let [termination-ch (chan)
termination-fn #(put! termination-ch :die)]
(go-loop [sleep-ch (timeout 0)]
(let [[_ ch] (alts! [sleep-ch termination-ch])]
(if (= ch sleep-ch)
(println "Pinging" host)
(recur (timeout ms-pause)))
(println "Stopping..."))))
(defn ping-forever-thread
[host ms-pause]
(let [t (Thread. #(try
(while true
(println "Pinging " host)
(Thread/sleep ms-pause))
(catch InterruptedException e
(println "Stopping..."))))
termination-fn #(.interrupt t)]
(.start t)
(defn ping-forever-flag
[host ms-pause]
(let [keep-going (atom true)
stop-fn #(reset! keep-going false)]
(future (while @keep-going
(println "Pinging" host)
(Thread/sleep ms-pause))
(println "Stopping..."))
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