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Created January 18, 2019 02:53
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(defn get-proxy-uri
  "Parse the proxied uri forwarded by the ions api-gateway data"
    (let [path (-> req :datomic.ion.edn.api-gateway/json (json/read-str :key-fn keyword) :pathParameters :proxy)]
      (str "/" path))
    (catch Exception e nil)))

(defn wrap-proxy-uri
  "Look in the proxied api-gateway data and re-assign the URI for routing purposes.
   The API is likely configured with some resources and custom url. This middleware changes something like this
      :uri stage-route/proxy-resource/one/two/three
      :uri /one/two/three"
  (fn [request]
    (if-let [proxy-uri (get-proxy-uri request)]
      (handler (assoc request :uri proxy-uri))
      (handler request))))

(defn wrap-middleware
  [handler & [formats]]
  (-> handler
      ; rejig the proxied uri

(def web-handler (wrap-middleware (bidi.routes/make-handler routes)))

(def web-router (apigw/ionize web-handler))
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