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Created January 22, 2016 17:49
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Reagent Ajax
(:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame]
[reagent.core :as reagent]
[clojure.string :as str]
[intermine.imjs :as imjs]))
(defn fetch-templates-handler [app-state]
(let [mine (js/imjs.Service. (clj->js {:root ""}))
tpl-promise (-> mine .fetchTemplates)]
(-> tpl-promise (.then (fn [templates]
(swap! app-state assoc :templates (js->clj templates)))))))
(defn drop-down [app-state]
[:select.form-group (for [[k v] (seq (:templates @app-state))]
[:option {:value (get v "name")} (get v "title")])]])
(defn text-box []
[:input {:type "text" :value "hi"}])
(defn add-state-button [comms]
(println "-- button renredered")
{:on-click (fn []
(println "HI")
((:append-state comms) {:input (rand-int 100)}))}
"Change State"])
(defn ^:export main []
(let [app-state (reagent.core/atom {:templates nil :selected nil :query nil})]
{:component-did-mount (fn []
fetch-templates-handler app-state)
:reagent-render (fn [input comms]
[add-state-button comms]
[drop-down app-state]])})))
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