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# Example of how to test a module included into multiple models
require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "spec_helper"))
describe Featurable do
class FeaturableObject
include Featurable
attr_accessor :sport, :featured_at
# How would you test this Quiz#problem method? Only two rules:
# 1. No mocks or stubs allowed. I'm looking for a other alternatives.
# Mocks can get messy in complex scenarios, and this is intended to
# be a high level test which executes all code. I don't think mocking
# would be a very clean solution anyway, but if you want to try it
# and prove me wrong feel free.
after "deploy:update_code", "tag_last_deploy"
task :tag_last_deploy do
if rails_env == 'production'
set :timestamp,
set :tag_name, "deployed_to_#{rails_env}_#{timestamp.to_i}"
`git pull origin #{branch}`
`git tag -a -m "Tagging deploy to #{rails_env} at #{timestamp}" #{tag_name} origin/#{branch}`
`git push --tags`
puts "Tagged release with #{tag_name}."