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Created May 15, 2009 16:22
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# How would you test this Quiz#problem method? Only two rules:
# 1. The tests should fail if any part of the application breaks.
# For example: If "gets" is moved before "puts" then the tests should
# fail since that breaks the application.
# 2. You cannot change the Quiz class. But you can use whatever framework
# and tools you want for the tests. (RSpec, Cucumber, etc.)
# Note: The first rule used to be "no mocking" but I changed it. If you
# can accomplish the first rule with mocks then go ahead. I'm looking
# for the simplest/cleanest solution whatever that may be.
class Quiz
def initialize(input = STDIN, output = STDOUT)
@input = input
@output = output
def problem
first = rand(10)
second = rand(10)
@output.puts "What is #{first} + #{second}?"
answer = @input.gets
if answer.to_i == first + second
@output.puts "Correct!"
@output.puts "Incorrect!"
require "test/unit"
class QuizTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_correct
flunk # test the case of supplying correct answer here
def test_incorrect
flunk # test the case of supplying incorrect answer here
There are many ways to solve this problem. If you come up with more let me know
and I'll add them here.
Custom IO Class
This was by far the most common solution. It involves creating a class which
has its own "puts" method to record the output and a "gets" method to calculate
the proper response based on that output.
Overall this is an elegant solution. The only thing I don't care for is that
it requires all logic to be set up front and the @quiz.problem call must
happen at the end.
1. by matflores
2. by ljsc
3. by sandal
Mocking Methods
This was originally against the rules because I was looking for other
creative alternatives which mimicked the user at a higher level and cared
little about the implementation. However, the mocking solution proved cleaner
than I originally expected. It also provided the most helpful error messages
when the app broke (if the order got switched, etc.).
Like the previous solution the @quiz.problem is called at the end. It also has
some dependencies on the implementation, specifically the "rand" method must
be stubbed. IMO this is acceptable but might become an issue in more complex
scenarios where more would need to be stubbed.
1. by intinig
2. by jimweirich
Separate Thread or Process
Here the Quiz#problem runs in a separate thread or process. I consider it to be
a higher level test than the others because it is the closest to mimicking a real
user. The @quiz.problem is called first and the test assertions happen live as it
is running.
I was hoping to see a few more experimentations along this line. You can see my
take on the problem below which uses a separate generic class to handle the dirty
work and leaves the test implementation very clean and self contained.
1. by ryanb
2. by nimbletechnique
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