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Last active December 19, 2015 23:59
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  • Save joshleaves/6038004 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save joshleaves/6038004 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TechShaker API guidelines

First steps

You should have your api keyset (two keys) ready. If not, generate them. These tokens are tied to your account, and thus, to your identity. Like all API keys, these are of course NON-TRANSFERABLE and should never be communicated to third-parties (and I won't call you and ask them either).

With these two keys in hand, you'll then need a request. Let's just issue a PUT on /users/test_user with "github=testgithub". In curl this should look like this:

$ curl -X PUT -d "github=testgithub"

Well, not really, we also need to authenticate. Authentification is done by adding your API_KEY ("the short one") to the headers as "X-API-KEY". Like this:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-API-KEY: YOUR-API-KEY" -d "github=testgithub"

The next step will involve signing of your request, otherwise anyone can make requests in your name. Signing a request involve mixing all of its elements together and sorting them by key alphabetically. So for the above exemple, mixing all my request elements would give:


And sorted alphabetically:


This final string is what needs to be signed using HMac hash and SHA1 encryption and your API_SIG as the encryption key. You'll be returned a signed string to send to the server using the "X-API-SIGNATURE" header:

$ curl -X PUT -H "X-API-KEY: YOUR-API-KEY" -H "X-API-SIGNATURE: THAT-SIGNATURE" -d "github=testgithub"
  "status": "success"

There you go! Though I would advise against using your shell to use the API :)

Errors you may come across

All errors are built the same way. Basically:

$ curl -v
< HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
  "error": "Unauthorized",
  "statusCode": 401

Errors are sent in two ways:

  • HTTP status code
  • presence of "error" and "statusCode" keys

Relying on the HTTP status code is the correct way to use the API but sometimes accessing it is a luxury you don't have and some errors can just be too vague, so you can use these two keys to see if an error occured. Most of the time, the "error" is exactly the same as the HTTP response, but sometimes it will print out more detailed informations (see 422).

401 Unauthorized

You're not authentified. Possible causes:

  • Your request didn't contain an X-API-KEY in the header
  • Your request didn't contain an X-API-SIGNATURE in the header
  • You regenerated your keys and you X-API-KEY isn't valid anymore
  • You did something wrong signing your request and it wasn't recognized as valid For security purposes, this error is NEVER detailed.

403 Forbidden

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that Dave.

Because you don't have the rights to issue a PUT/POST/DELETE request on this resource.

404 Not Found

The desired resource doesn't exist.

422 Unprocessable Entity

"I will forget but won't forgive."
 - My server

Something in your request wasn't acceptable. So this could mean:

422 Unprocessable Entity: Unknown field: foo

No sub-resource on TechShaker will ever be called "foo".

422 Unprocessable Entity: Missing field: github

If you call a PUT on /users/yourself/github and don't provide a "github=yourself" in PUT values, I won't understand what you're trying to achieve.

422 Unprocessable Entity: Invalid field: github

As cool as it looks, "y@_::-" is not a valid github username.

422 Unprocessable Entity: No Modifications

No PUT/POST values were sent, so nothing was done. This error is a nice trick to use as it will be issued AFTER a 404 or a 403 could happen. Thus, a PUT /resource with empty values is a "friendly" way of knowing in one call if the resource exists AND if you can edit it.

Accessing resources

Users resources

GET /users/

Get a list of users. Used for search.

GET /users/:screen_name

Return the user pointed by screen_name.

GET /users/joshleaves
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "user": {
    "id": 98996087,
    "screen_name": "joshleaves",
    "person_name": "Arnaud R.",
    "profile_pic": "",
    "description": "Description",
    "city": "Paris, FR",
    "github": "joshleaves",
    "website": "",
    "entities": [
        "url": "techshaker",
        "name": "TechShaker",
        "role": "Founder",
        "profile_pic": ""

PUT /users/:screen_name

Modifies multiple fields. Field keys can be: 'city', 'website', 'linkedin' or 'github'.

PUT /users/joshleaves "github=foo"
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": "SUCCESS"

PUT /users/:screen_name/:field

Modifies a single field. Values for :field can be: 'city', 'website', 'linkedin' or 'github'.

PUT /users/joshleaves/github "github=foo"
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  "status": "SUCCESS"

Entities resources

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