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Created January 16, 2016 01:01
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package com.pulseenergy.lassie.translations
import org.scalacheck.{Arbitrary, Gen, Commands}
import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary.arbitrary
import org.scalacheck.Gen._
import org.scalatest.{Matchers, FlatSpec}
import org.scalatest.prop.{PropertyChecks, Checkers}
class Counter {
private var n = 0
def inc = n += 1
// def dec = if(n > 10) n -= 2 else n -= 1 // Bug!
def dec = n -= 1 // No bug!
def get = n
def reset = n = 0
class MySpecificationSpec extends FlatSpec with PropertyChecks with Matchers {
it should "have the right state transitions" in {
Checkers.check(new StackS[Int])
// it should "do the right thing" in {
// Checkers.check(Specs)
// }
object MySpecification extends Commands {
val counter = new Counter
case class State(n: Int)
def initialState() = {
case object Inc extends Command {
def run(s: State) =
def nextState(s: State) = State(s.n + 1)
preConditions += (s => true)
case object Dec extends Command {
def run(s: State) = counter.dec
def nextState(s: State) = State(s.n - 1)
case object Get extends Command {
def run(s: State) = counter.get
def nextState(s: State) = s
postConditions += {
case (s0, s1, r:Int) =>
assert(r == s0.n, s"s0.n should be: $r, but was ${s0.n}")
r == s0.n
case _ => false
def genCommand(s: State): Gen[Command] = Gen.oneOf(Inc, Dec, Get)
class Stack[T] {
private var items = List.empty[T]
def push(item: T) = items = item :: items
// Bug!
// def popOption(): Option[T] = {
// val result = items.headOption
// if(items.length > 10) items = items.tail.tail
// else if(items.nonEmpty) items = items.tail
// result
// }
// No bug!
def popOption(): Option[T] = {
val result = items.headOption
if (items.nonEmpty) items = items.tail
def reset() = items = List.empty[T]
class StackS[T](implicit arbT: Arbitrary[T]) extends Commands {
val stack = new Stack[T]
case class State(items: List[T])
def initialState() = {
case class Push(n: T) extends Command {
def run(s: State) = stack.push(n)
def nextState(s: State) = State(n :: s.items)
preConditions += (s => true)
case object PopOption extends Command {
def run(s: State): Option[T] = stack.popOption()
def nextState(s: State) = State(if(s.items.nonEmpty) s.items.tail else s.items)
postConditions += {
case (s0, s1, r:Option[T]) =>
val result = s0.items.headOption == r
assert(result, s"s0.items.headOption should be $r, but was ${s0.items.headOption}")
case _ => false
def genCommand(s: State): Gen[Command] = Gen.oneOf( for(i <- arbitrary[T]) yield Push(i), Gen.const(PopOption))
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