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Last active July 8, 2021 15:47
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Save joshlewis/f22350235a7619e9d70b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
What kind of clickbait numbers is BuzzFeed using in their titles? Let's see some stats, based on their RSS feeds.
//What kind of clickbait numbers is BuzzFeed using in their titles these days?
$feeds = [
// "espanol",
// "france",
// "ideas", //Obsoleted?
// "usnews", //Obsoleted?
// "uknews", //Obsoleted?
// "aunews", //Obsoleted?
// "community",//Obsoleted?
$titles = [];
//Get the titles
foreach ($feeds as $feed) {
echo "\rGetting $feed feed... ";
$feedUrl = ''.$feed.'.xml';
$rawXmlString = @file_get_contents($feedUrl);
if ($rawXmlString !== FALSE) {
$contentObj = simplexml_load_string($rawXmlString);
if ($contentObj !== FALSE) {
$result = $contentObj->xpath('/rss/channel/item/title');
//$newResults = array_map(function($t){ return html_entity_decode($t);}, array_values($result));
$titles = array_merge($titles, array_values($result));
} else {
echo "\nSomething is wrong with this feed. Look into it: ".$feedUrl."\n";
//Analyze the titles for the presence of clickbait numbers
foreach ($titles as $title) {
//Clickbait numbers are almost always at the very beginning of the title. That's what we look for.
//However, we allow titles that begin with certain words followed by numbers to count
//Les is French, Os and As are Portuguese, Los is Spanish
if (preg_match('/^(Top|The|Our|Les|Os|As|Los)?\s*(\d{1,3})\s+/', $title, $matches) === 1) {
$titlesWithNumbers[] = $title;
$clickbaitNumbers[] = $matches[2];
} else {
$titlesWithoutNumbers[] = $title;
//Find the special numbers
$modeValues = array_count_values($clickbaitNumbers);
$mode = array_search(max($modeValues), $modeValues);
$roundedMean = number_format(array_sum($clickbaitNumbers) / count($clickbaitNumbers));
//Stolen from
$count = count($clickbaitNumbers); //total numbers in array
$middleval = floor(($count-1)/2); // find the middle value, or the lowest middle value
if($count % 2) { // odd number, middle is the median
$median = $clickbaitNumbers[$middleval];
} else { // even number, calculate avg of 2 medians
$low = $clickbaitNumbers[$middleval];
$high = $clickbaitNumbers[$middleval+1];
$median = (($low+$high)/2);
$totalArticleCount = count($titlesWithNumbers) + count($titlesWithoutNumbers);
echo "\rAbout ".number_format((count($titlesWithNumbers) / $totalArticleCount)*100)."% of the ".$totalArticleCount." BuzzFeed articles we found use clickbait-style numbers.\n\n";
echo "The number $mode occurred the most often.\n";
echo "$roundedMean was the average of the integers used.\n";
echo "$median was the median of all the clickbait numbers.\n";
$sampleCount = 10;
echo "\nA random sampling of $sampleCount titles with clickbait numbers:\n=====\n".implode("\n", array_slice($titlesWithNumbers, 0, $sampleCount))."\n\n";
echo "A random sampling of $sampleCount titles without clickbait numbers:\n=====\n".implode("\n", array_slice($titlesWithoutNumbers, 0, $sampleCount))."\n\n";
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As of today, this is still working! 👍

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