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Created August 17, 2016 20:16
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package sort
import (
// Sort sorts the slice using less as the comparison
// function. slice must be a slice type, and less must
// be a function which takes two arguments - both poiners
// to slice's element type - and returns a bool.
// Effectively, the type signature is:
// Sort(slice []T, less func(*T, *T) bool)
func Sort(slice, less interface{}) {
styp, ltyp := reflect.TypeOf(slice), reflect.TypeOf(less)
sk := sorterKey{styp, ltyp}
sorter, ok := sorters.m[sk]
if !ok {
sorter = makeSorter(styp, ltyp)
sorters.m[sk] = sorter
s := makeSortable(sorter, slice, less)
var boolTyp = reflect.TypeOf(false)
func makeSorter(styp, ltyp reflect.Type) sorter {
if styp.Kind() != reflect.Slice || ltyp.Kind() != reflect.Func ||
ltyp.NumIn() != 2 || ltyp.NumOut() != 1 || ltyp.In(0) !=
reflect.PtrTo(styp.Elem()) || ltyp.In(1) != reflect.PtrTo(styp.Elem()) ||
ltyp.Out(0) != boolTyp {
panic(fmt.Errorf("sort: Sort called like Sort(%v, %v); must be of the form Sort([]T, func(*T, *T) bool)", styp, ltyp))
return sorter{
size: int(styp.Elem().Size()),
elem: styp.Elem(),
less: ltyp,
// like reflect.SliceHeader, but the data
// field has type unsafe.Pointer so that
// the GC is aware of it
type sliceHeader struct {
data unsafe.Pointer
len int
cap int
func makeSortable(s sorter, slice, less interface{}) sortable {
var hdr sliceHeader
slc := reflect.ValueOf(slice)
hdr.len = slc.Len() * s.size
hdr.cap = hdr.len = unsafe.Pointer(slc.Index(0).UnsafeAddr())
buf := *(*[]byte)(unsafe.Pointer(&hdr))
lss := reflect.New(s.less).Elem()
lessfn := *(*func(a, b unsafe.Pointer) bool)(unsafe.Pointer(lss.UnsafeAddr()))
return sortable{
len: slc.Len(),
size: s.size,
buf: buf,
tmp: make([]byte, s.size),
less: lessfn,
var sorters = struct {
m map[sorterKey]sorter
}{m: make(map[sorterKey]sorter)}
// we use both the slice and reflect types
// as keys (technically unnecessary) so that
// we can avoid explicitly verifying the
// type soundness of the less function each
// time; this way, if the sorterKey is found
// in the map, all of the types have already
// been verified
type sorterKey struct {
slice reflect.Type
less reflect.Type
type sorter struct {
size int
elem reflect.Type
less reflect.Type
type sortable struct {
len int
size int
buf []byte
tmp []byte
less func(i, j unsafe.Pointer) bool
func (s *sortable) Len() int { return s.len }
func (s *sortable) Less(i, j int) bool {
iidx, jidx := i*s.size, j*s.size
iptr := unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf[iidx])
jptr := unsafe.Pointer(&s.buf[jidx])
return s.less(iptr, jptr)
func (s *sortable) Swap(i, j int) {
iidx, jidx := i*s.size, j*s.size
copy(s.tmp, s.buf[iidx:iidx+s.size])
copy(s.buf[iidx:iidx+s.size], s.buf[jidx:jidx+s.size])
copy(s.buf[jidx:jidx+s.size], s.tmp)
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