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Created September 19, 2016 18:01
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Binary Tree Operations
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module Tree where
import Data.List
data Tree a = Leaf
| Node Integer (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving (Show)
treeHeight :: Tree a -> Integer
treeHeight Leaf = 0
treeHeight (Node height _ _ _) = height
maxTreeHeight :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Integer
maxTreeHeight t1 t2 = maximum [(treeHeight t1), (treeHeight t2)]
balanceFactor :: Tree a -> Integer
balanceFactor Leaf = 0
balanceFactor (Node _ Leaf _ Leaf) = 0
balanceFactor (Node _ (Node lHeight _ _ _) _ (Node rHeight _ _ _)) = lHeight - rHeight
balanceFactor (Node _ Leaf _ (Node rHeight _ _ _)) = 0 - rHeight
balanceFactor (Node _ (Node lHeight _ _ _) _ Leaf) = lHeight - 0
rightRotate :: Tree a -> Tree a
rightRotate (Node _ (Node _ llTree lVal lrTree) val rTree) =
(Node newTreeHeight llTree lVal newRTree)
where newRTree = (Node (succ (maxTreeHeight lrTree rTree)) lrTree val rTree)
newTreeHeight = succ (maxTreeHeight newRTree llTree)
rightRotate _ = error "rightRotate: impossible case - "
leftRotate :: Tree a -> Tree a
leftRotate (Node _ lTree val (Node _ rlTree _ rrTree)) =
(Node newTreeHeight newLTree val rrTree)
where newLTree = (Node (succ (maxTreeHeight lTree rlTree)) lTree val rlTree)
newTreeHeight = succ (maxTreeHeight newLTree rrTree)
leftRotate _ = error "leftRotate: impossible case - "
balanceLeft :: Tree a -> Tree a
balanceLeft tree
| balanceFactor tree == (-1) = leftRotate tree
| otherwise = tree
balanceRight :: Tree a -> Tree a
balanceRight tree
| balanceFactor tree == (-1) = rightRotate tree
| otherwise = tree
balance :: Tree a -> Tree a
balance leaf@(Leaf) = leaf
balance tree
| balanceFactor tree == (-2) = leftRotate (balanceLeft tree)
| balanceFactor tree == 2 = rightRotate (balanceRight tree)
| otherwise = tree
balancedInsert :: Ord a => a -> Tree a -> Tree a
balancedInsert val (Leaf) = Node 0 Leaf val Leaf
balancedInsert newVal tree@(Node _ leftTree pivotVal rightTree)
| newVal < pivotVal = newBalancedTree (balancedInsert newVal leftTree) pivotVal rightTree
| newVal > pivotVal = newBalancedTree leftTree pivotVal (balancedInsert newVal rightTree)
| otherwise = tree
where newBalancedTree lTree val rTree = balance (Node (succ (maxTreeHeight lTree rTree)) lTree val rTree)
foldTree :: Ord a => [a] -> Tree a
foldTree as =
foldr balancedInsert Leaf as
showTree :: (Show a) => Tree a -> String
showTree Leaf = []
showTree tree = (unwords (intersperse "\n" (showTreeList tree))) ++ "\n"
showTreeList :: (Show a) => Tree a -> [String]
showTreeList (Leaf) = []
showTreeList (Node height lTree val rTree) =
([(show val) ++ " - " ++ (show height)] ++ (printIfNotLeaf lTree "left:") ++ (printIfNotLeaf rTree "right:"))
where printIfNotLeaf Leaf _ = []
printIfNotLeaf tree label = indent [label] ++ indent (indent (showTreeList tree))
indent = map (" "++)
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