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Last active December 13, 2015 22:59
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Save joshmatz/4988267 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SCSS Mixin for creating media queries when needed. Supports lists as a parameter for use with multiple media queries.
* Supports lists as a parameter for use when you want to select multiple media queries.
* @include respond-to(palm, phablet, lap) { .sub-nav { display: none; }}
@mixin respond-to($media...) {
$response-count: 0;
$query: '';
@each $medium in $media {
@if $response-count > 0 {
$query: $query + ', ';
@if $medium == 'palm' {
$query: $query + '(max-width: 525px)';
@if $medium == 'phablet' {
$query: $query + '(min-width: 526px) and (max-width: 759px)';
@if $medium == 'lap' {
$query: $query + '(min-width: 760px) and (max-width: 990px)';
@if $medium == 'desk' {
$query: $query + '(min-width: 991px) and (max-width: 1247px)';
@if $medium == 'wide' {
$query: $query + '(min-width: 1248px)';
@if $medium == 'height' {
$query: $query + '(min-height: 576px)';
$response-count: $response-count + 1;
@media only screen and #{$query} {
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