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Created June 9, 2015 00:49
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Multiple specific cropped positions a single Paperclip record
<!-- to your form partial. yes, you could do this more dynamically, but for illustrative purposes. -->
<select id="style_select">
<option value="cover" data-style-options='{"option": "setCropBoxData", "data": {"width": 1200, "height": 628}}'>Cover</option>
<option value="medium" data-style-options='{"option": "setCropBoxData", "data": {"width": 628, "height": 840}}'>Medium</option>
<option value="small_sq" data-style-options='{"option": "setCropBoxData", "data": {"width": 470, "height": 470}}'>Small Square</option>
<option value="thumb" data-style-options='{"option": "setCropBoxData", "data": {"width": 128, "height": 128}}'>Thumb</option>
<% %w{cover large medium medium_sq small small_sq thumb}.each do |w| %>
<%=w%>: <input class="form-control style_data" data-style-for="<%=w%>" type="text" name="image[crop][<%=w%>]" placeholder=""><br/>
<% end %>
$('#style_select').on('change', function() {
var t = $('#style_select option:selected').attr('data-style-options');
var j = JSON.parse(t);
$('.img-container > img').cropper(j.option,;
$('#set').on('click', function() {
var sel = $('#style_select option:selected');
$('.style_data[data-style-for="' + sel.val() + '"]').val(JSON.stringify($('.img-container > img').cropper("getCropBoxData")));
If you have sizes, say,
has_attached_file :content,
:styles=>{:cover => "1200x628#", :medium => "626x840#", :small_sq => "470x470#", :thumb => "64x64#"
And you want to crop them individually them using something like [cropper](, here's the tricks.
Ensure that you're all ready to go with the Cropper demo. Drop the assets in and load up the page.
Add this guy to your form partial:
and you should be ready to go. make sure you permit the attributes.
# add ManualCrop as a processor
has_attached_file :content,
:styles=>{ :cover => "1200x628#", :medium => "626x840#",:small => "470x246#", :thumb => "64x64#"},
:processors => [:shiny],
attr_accessor :cropper_data
def cropping?
def convert_options(style)
:left => self.cropper_data[style]['left'],
:top => self.cropper_data[style]['top'],
:width => self.cropper_data[style]['width'],
:height => self.cropper_data[style]['height']
# /lib/paperclip_processors/manual_crop.rb
module Paperclip
class ManualCrop < Thumbnail
def transformation_command
if crop_command
crop_command + super.join(' ').sub(/ -crop \S+/, '').split(' ')
def crop_command
if @attachment.instance.cropping?
target = @attachment.instance.convert_options(options[:style])
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