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Created November 19, 2020 21:33
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Dynamic Router Class for Wordpress
* @author joshmoto <>
class DynamicRouter {
protected static
* Flag that determines if we are on a virtual page or not
* @var bool
$bsIsVirtualPage = false,
* Array of custom routes
* @var array
$aRoutes = array (),
* Array of custom created query vars
* @var array
$aQueryVars = array (),
* Stores the currently used route
* @var array|false
$aCurrentRoute = false;
* Create new route to process our pages
* @param string $route Regular expression for the routing ^route$
* for example will create /route/ page
* @param string|null $template The template name to use, null to automate
* @param string|null $title The page title appearing in wp_title()
* @param array $arguments Custom arguments to be parsed
* @throws Exception Throws exception when given invalid data
* @return void
public static function create($route, $template, $title = null, $arguments = array ()) {
// validate our route string
if (!is_string($route)) {
throw new Exception('Argument #1 of DynamicRouter::create() must be a regular expression string');
// validate our template string
if (!is_string($template)) {
throw new Exception('Argument #2 of DynamicRouter::create() must be a string referencing a WordPress template file');
// validate our route arguments
if (!is_array($arguments)) {
throw new Exception('Argument #3 of DynamicRouter::create() must be an empty array or array of possible regex matches');
// add to our array of routes
self::$aRoutes[$route] = array(
'template' => $template,
'title' => $title,
'arguments' => $arguments,
* Static method to execute our rewrites
* @return void
public static function handle () {
// add rewrite action
add_action('init', array (__CLASS__, 'actionRewrite'));
// register our custom filters
add_action('query_vars', array (__CLASS__, 'actionQueryVars'));
// determine how to handle our templates
add_action('wp', array (__CLASS__, 'actionTemplateInclude'));
public static function getPageName()
return self::$bsIsVirtualPage;
* Check to see if we are on a virtual page or not
* @param null|string $slug The string to compare against. Null
* to simply check if it is a page or not
* @return bool
public static function isPage($slug = null) {
if(is_null($slug)) {
return (bool)self::$bsIsVirtualPage;
} else {
return (bool)(self::$bsIsVirtualPage === $slug);
* Retrieves query variable from URL
* (extension of WordPress get_query_var() method)
* @param string $field Query var to obtain
* @param mixed $default The default value to return
* @throws Exception Exception when invalid data is passed
* @return mixed
public static function getQueryVar ($field, $default = false) {
if(is_string($field)) {
// return our query var
if($return = get_query_var(sprintf('DR%s', $field))) {
return $return;
// see if we have a default argument
if($default === FALSE && array_key_exists($field, self::$aCurrentRoute['arguments'])) {
// set our new default
$default = self::$aCurrentRoute['arguments'][$field];
// return our default
return $default;
} else {
// throw exception when we haven't got a string
throw new Exception('DynamicRouter::getQueryVar() requires the first argument to be a string');
* Get query var - alias of DynamicRouter::getQueryVar()
* @param string $field Query var to obtain
* @param mixed $default The default value to return
* @return mixed
public static function get_query_var($field, $default = false) {
return self::getQueryVar($field);
* Gets the current DynamicRouter route being accessed
* @param string|null $matched_rule rule that was matched (regex)
* @return bool|string Gets the current route or false if route is invalid
public static function getCurrentRoute (&$matched_rule = null) {
// get our wp global
global $wp;
// check if we are running a router rule
if(array_key_exists($wp->matched_rule, self::$aRoutes)) {
$matched_rule = $wp->matched_rule;
// set our current route
self::$aCurrentRoute = self::$aRoutes[$wp->matched_rule];
// return our current route
return self::$aCurrentRoute;
* WP Action to create our rewrite rules
* @uses init action
* @return void
public static function actionRewrite () {
// create a rewrite endpoint
add_rewrite_endpoint('router', EP_PERMALINK);
// add rewrite tag
add_rewrite_tag('%DynamicRouter%', '([^&]+)');
// loop through our rewrites
foreach(self::$aRoutes as $sRegex => $aRoute) {
$sRouteKey = md5(serialize(self::$aRoutes[$sRegex]));
self::$aRoutes['key'] = $sRouteKey;
// set our $sArgs to be null
$sArgs = '?DynamicRouter=' . $sRegex;
// check if we have any arguments
if(is_array($aRoute['arguments']) && count($aRoute['arguments'])) {
// set our match number
$i = 0;
// loop through our arguments
foreach($aRoute['arguments'] as $sArgument) {
// add argument to our rewrite string
self::$aQueryVars[] = sprintf('DR%s', esc_attr($sArgument));
$sArgs.= sprintf('&DR%s=$matches[%d]', esc_attr($sArgument), ++$i);
// create our rewrite rule for this route
add_rewrite_rule($sRegex, 'index.php' . $sArgs, 'top');
* WP Action to register our custom WordPress query vars
* @uses query_vars action
* @param array $vars Array of existing query vars
* @return array Array of updated query vars
public static function actionQueryVars ($vars) {
// get our route
$aRoute = self::getCurrentRoute();
// add our DynamicRouter variable
$vars[] = 'DynamicRouter';
// check we have a valid route with args
if($aRoute && count($aRoute['arguments'])) {
// loop through our arguments
foreach($aRoute['arguments'] as $sVar) {
$vars[] = 'DR' . $sVar;
// return our updated vars
return $vars;
* WP Action to determine the template to render
* @uses template_include action
* @param string $template The default template to render
* @return string Returns template to render
public static function actionTemplateInclude ($wp) {
// get $wp global
global $wp_query;
// get our current route
$aRoute = self::getCurrentRoute();
// check if we are running a router rule
if($aRoute) {
// modify $wp_query to set page
$wp_query->is_home = false;
$wp_query->is_page = false;
// add our wp_title filters
add_filter('wp_title', function () {
// get our current route
$aRoute = self::getCurrentRoute();
// return our title if we have one
if(!is_null($aRoute['title'])) {
return $aRoute['title'];
// add our body class filters
add_filter('body_class', function ($classes) {
// get globals
global $wp;
// get our current route
$aRoute = self::getCurrentRoute();
// set our title if we can
if(!is_null($aRoute['title'])) {
$classes[] = 'router-' . sanitize_title($aRoute['title']);
// set our matched rule class
$classes[] = 'router-' . sanitize_title($wp->matched_rule);
// set our generic router page class
$classes[] = 'router-page';
// return our classes
return $classes;
// set virtual page flag
self::$bsIsVirtualPage = sanitize_title($wp->matched_rule);
if (!is_404()) {
add_filter('template_include', function ($template) use ($aRoute) {
// create our templates
if (is_array($aRoute['template'])) {
$aTemplates = $aRoute['template'];
} else {
$aTemplates = array($aRoute['template']);
// add standard router template
$aTemplates[] = 'page-router.php';
// add our predefined template
$aTemplates[] = $template;
// locate our template and return it
return locate_template($aTemplates);// return our default template
}, 1000);
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