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Last active June 17, 2024 11:45
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Fault tolerant UDP Server in Elixir
# to run:
# > elixir --no-halt udp_server.exs
# to test:
# > echo "hello world" | nc -u -w0 localhost 2052
# > echo "quit" | nc -u -w0 localhost 2052
# Let's call our module "UDPServer"
defmodule UDPServer do
# Our module is going to use the DSL (Domain Specific Language) for Gen(eric) Servers
use GenServer
# We need a factory method to create our server process
# it takes a single parameter `port` which defaults to `2052`
# This runs in the caller's context
def start_link(port \\ 2052) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, port) # Start 'er up
# Initialization that runs in the server context (inside the server process right after it boots)
def init(port) do
# Use erlang's `gen_udp` module to open a socket
# With options:
# - binary: request that data be returned as a `String`
# - active: gen_udp will handle data reception, and send us a message `{:udp, socket, address, port, data}` when new data arrives on the socket
# Returns: {:ok, socket}, [:binary, active: true])
# define a callback handler for when gen_udp sends us a UDP packet
def handle_info({:udp, _socket, _address, _port, data}, socket) do
# punt the data to a new function that will do pattern matching
handle_packet(data, socket)
# pattern match the "quit" message
defp handle_packet("quit\n", socket) do
IO.puts("Received: quit")
# close the socket
# GenServer will understand this to mean we want to stop the server
# action: :stop
# reason: :normal
# new_state: nil, it doesn't matter since we're shutting down :(
{:stop, :normal, nil}
# fallback pattern match to handle all other (non-"quit") messages
defp handle_packet(data, socket) do
# print the message
IO.puts("Received: #{String.trim data}")
# IRL: do something more interesting...
# GenServer will understand this to mean "continue waiting for the next message"
# parameters:
# :noreply - no reply is needed
# new_state: keep the socket as the current state
{:noreply, socket}
# For extra protection, start a supervisor that will start the UDPServer
# The supervisor's job is to monitor the UDPServer
# If it crashes it will auto restart, fault tolerance in 1 line of code!!!
{:ok, _pid} = Supervisor.start_link([{UDPServer, 2052}], strategy: :one_for_one)
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