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Last active March 31, 2023 09:02
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Streaming HTTP requests
defmodule MyApp.Integrations.Skubana do
@host "..."
@headers [ ... ]
# returns a stream of shipments
def get_shipments do
# start with page 1
start = fn -> 1 end
# create a stream, it will make HTTP requests until the page returned is empty
Stream.resource(start, &get_page/1, &Function.identity/1)
defp get_page(page) do
# build url
url = "#{@host}/v1/shipments?page=#{page}"
# make http request
{:ok, response} = Mojito.get(url, @headers)
# decode JSON
case Jason.decode!(response.body) do
# if empty array, halt the stream
[] -> {:halt, nil}
# otherwise, return data and move on to next page
shipments ->
{shipments, page+1}
# paging is completely hidden from the caller's perspective
|> Stream.each(&Fulfillment.create_shipment/1)
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Jqnxyz commented Feb 3, 2022

Isn't in usage.exs:5 redundant since calling Stream.each also triggers the Stream? Or am I mistaken

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joshnuss commented Feb 3, 2022

Stream.each won't trigger the stream, it's just defining a step in the pipeline.
To start streaming there needs to be a or a call to one of the Enum functions, like Enum.to_list,, Enum.reduce etc..

To see it, try this in iex:

Stream.repeatedly(&DateTime.utc_now/0) |> Stream.each(&IO.inspect/1)

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Jqnxyz commented Feb 3, 2022

Ah I see, thank you for the explanation!

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