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Created May 29, 2024 22:56
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function Get-VmsCameraMotion {
Gets the motion detection settings for one or more cameras.
The `Get-VmsCameraMotion` cmdlet gets the motion detection settings for one or more cameras. The MotionDetection
object for a camera can be accessed using $camera.MotionDetectionFolder.MotionDetections[0]. This command can be
considered a PowerShell-friendly shortcut for accessing these settings.
The only difference between using this command or accessing the MotionDetection objects directly is that this
command adds a NoteProperty to the MotionDetection object named "Camera" to make it easier to access the Camera
object associated with the MotionDetection object.
One or more cameras returned by the Get-VmsCamera cmdlet.
Get-VmsCamera | Get-VmsCameraMotion | Where-Object Enabled -eq $false | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Camera
Get all enabled cameras where motion detection is disabled.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
process {
foreach ($currentDevice in $Camera) {
$currentDevice.MotionDetectionFolder.MotionDetections[0] | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name Camera -Value $currentDevice -PassThru
function Set-VmsCameraMotion {
Sets motion detection settings for one or more cameras.
The `Set-VmsCameraMotion` cmdlet sets motion detection settings for one or more cameras.
One or more cameras on which to update motion detection settings.
.PARAMETER DetectionMethod
A value of 'Normal', 'Optimized', or 'Fast' which represent 100%, 25%, and 12% detection resolution respectively.
For example, a DetectionMethod of 'Optimized' would only evaluate every 4th pixel requiring less compute than
'Normal' or 100%.
A boolean value specifying whether motion detection should be enabled or disabled.
.PARAMETER ExcludeRegions
A string of 0's and 1's representing the chosen grid size. Areas of the grid marked with a 1 will be excluded from
motion detection.
.PARAMETER GenerateMotionMetadata
Specifies whether motion metadata used to support smart search capabilities will be generated.
The size of the grid representing the motion detection exclusion region. Supported values are 'Grid8X8', 'Grid16X16', 'Grid32X32', 'Grid64X64'.
.PARAMETER HardwareAccelerationMode
Set the HardwareAccelerationMode to Automatic, or Off.
.PARAMETER KeyframesOnly
Only evaluate keyframes for motion. By default, keyframes usually arrive once per second. They can be much farther
apart when using a custom keyframe interval, or a "smart" codec with a dynamic GOP (group of pictures) length.
.PARAMETER ManualSensitivity
A value between 0 and 300 representing how much an individual pixel must change before it is considered a changing
pixel. Note that the Management Client user interface represents this number as a range of 0-100. In PowerShell you
should see a number 3x larger than the number shown in Management Client.
.PARAMETER ManualSensitivityEnabled
Specifies that the ManualSensitivity and Threshold parameters should be used to evaluate motion instead of using
automatic motion detection.
.PARAMETER ProcessTime
Specifies the time interval between each image evaluated for motion. This applies only to cameras streaming MJPEG.
.PARAMETER Threshold
Specifies how many pixels must change in order to trigger a motion started event.
.PARAMETER UseExcludeRegions
Specifies whether the ExcludeRegions mask should be applied so that changes in the masked areas of the image are
ignored for motion detection.
Return the camera object to the pipeline after updating motion detection settings.
$splat = @{
Enabled = $true
HardwareAccelerationMode = 'Automatic'
KeyframesOnly = $true
DetectionMethod = 'Fast'
ProcessTime = 'Ms500'
GenerateMotionMetadata = $true
ManualSensitivityEnabled = $false
UseExcludeRegions = $false
GridSize = 'Grid16X16'
ExcludeRegions = '0' * (16*16)
Get-VmsCamera | Set-VmsCameraMotion @splat -Verbose -WhatIf
Updates all cameras to the default motion detection settings when the -WhatIf switch is removed.
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[ValidateSet('Normal', 'Optimized', 'Fast')]
[ValidateSet('Grid8X8', 'Grid16X16', 'Grid32X32', 'Grid64X64')]
[ValidateSet('Automatic', 'Off')]
[ValidateRange(0, 300)]
[ValidateSet('Ms100', 'Ms250', 'Ms500', 'Ms750', 'Ms1000')]
[ValidateRange(0, 10000)]
begin {
$members = @{}
process {
foreach ($currentDevice in $Camera) {
$dirty = $false
try {
$motion = $currentDevice.MotionDetectionFolder.MotionDetections[0]
if ($members.Count -eq 0) {
# Cache settable property names as keys in hashtable
$motion | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Where-Object Definition -match 'set;' | ForEach-Object {
$members[$_.Name] = $null
foreach ($parameter in $PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters.GetEnumerator()) {
$key, $newValue = $parameter.Key, $parameter.Value
if (!$members.ContainsKey($key)) {
} elseif ($motion.$key -eq $newValue) {
Write-Verbose "Motion detection setting '$key' is already '$newValue' on $currentDevice"
Write-Verbose "Changing motion detection setting '$key' to '$newValue' on $currentDevice"
$motion.$key = $newValue
$dirty = $true
if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($currentDevice, "Update motion detection settings")) {
if ($dirty) {
if ($PassThru) {
} catch {
Write-Error -TargetObject $currentDevice -Exception $_.Exception -Message $_.Exception.Message -Category $_.CategoryInfo.Category
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