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Created July 29, 2019 17:26
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MilestonePSTools Samples
## Create a basic user and add it to a role
$ms = Get-ManagementServer
$role = Get-Role -Name "MyUsers"
$result = $ms.BasicUserFolder.AddBasicUser("User1", "Suitable description", "S3cretP@sscode")
if ($result.State -eq "Success") {
$user = $ms.BasicUserFolder.BasicUsers | Where-Object Path -eq $result.Path
$role | Add-User -Sid $user.Sid
} else {
Write-Error $result.ErrorText
## Change the Overall Security permissions for a role using Config API
$roleItem = $role | Get-ConfigurationItem
$task = $roleItem | Invoke-Method -MethodId ChangeOverallSecurityPermissions
# Uncomment to show all available security namespaces like Hardware, Camera, Microphone
# $task.Properties[0].ValueTypeInfos | Select-Object Name, Value | Format-Table
# We'll use the Camera namespace for this example
$task.Properties[0].Value = '623d03f8-c5d5-46bc-a2f4-4c03562d4f85'
$task = $task | Invoke-Method -MethodId ChangeOverallSecurityPermissions
# Uncomment to show all permissions available in this namespace
# $task.Properties | Where-Object Key -ne 'SecurityNamespace' | select DisplayName, Key, Value | Format-Table
# Set all permissions to 'Allow'. Other options are None and Deny
$task.Properties | Where-Object Key -ne 'SecurityNamespace' | Foreach-Object {
$_.Value = 'Allow'
$result = $task | Invoke-Method -MethodId ChangeOverallSecurityPermissions
## Create a new Storage Configuration with Archive
$rec = Get-RecordingServer
$path = "C:\MediaDatabase"
$useSigning = $false
$retentionMinutes = 24*60
$maxSizeInMB = 512GB / 1024 / 1024
try {
$result = $rec.StorageFolder.AddStorage("StorageName", "StorageDescription", $path, $useSigning, $retentionMinutes, $maxSizeInMB)
if ($result.State -eq "Success") {
$newStorage = $rec.StorageFolder.Storages | Where-Object Path -eq $result.Path
$targetFrameRate = 30
$archiveMinutes = 30*24*60
$maxArchiveSizeInMB = 10TB / 1024 / 1024
$result = $newStorage.ArchiveStorageFolder.AddArchiveStorage("Name", "Description", $path, $targetFrameRate, $archiveMinutes, $maxArchiveSizeInMB)
if ($result.State -eq "Success") {
} else {
throw $result.ErrorText
} else {
throw $result.ErrorText
} catch {
Write-Error $_.Exception.Message
## Change the storage for all cameras attached to a given Hardware device
$hardware | Get-Camera | ForEach-Object {
try {
$moveRecordings = $false
$task = $_.ChangeDeviceRecordingStorage($newStorage.Path, $moveRecordings)
while ($true) {
Write-Output "Changing $($_.Name)"
$task = $task | Get-ConfigurationItem
$state = $task.Properties | Where-Object Key -eq "State"
if ($state.Value -eq "Completed") {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 0.2
} catch {
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