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Last active January 8, 2024 19:05
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Get MIPKind and MIPItem objects using Configuration API commands in MilestonePSTools
function Get-MipKind {
Gets all matching Milestone Integration Platform types or "Kinds".
The `Get-MipKind` cmdlet gets all matching Milestone Integration Platform
types or "Kinds". The term "Kind" in MIP integrations represents a type of
configuration object. Cameras for example have a "Kind" with the ID
'5135ba21-f1dc-4321-806a-6ce2017343c0', and both first and third party
integrations can expose new types or "kinds" of configuration items.
New item "kinds" introduced through a server-side MIP plugin may be found
under the "/MIPKindFolder" configuration api path. Each MIPKindFolder may
contain one or more MIPItems.
Specifies the display name of the MIPKind to be returned, with support for wildcards. The default behavior is to return all MIPKinds.
.PARAMETER LiteralName
Specifies the literal display name of the MIPKind to be returned.
Get all available MIPKinds under the /MIPKindFolder configuration item path.
Get-MipKind -Name *incident*
Get all MIPKinds available with 'incident' in the display name for the MIPKind.
Get-MipKind *incident*
Get all MIPKinds available with 'incident' in the display name for the MIPKind using the positional parameter 'Name'.
Get-MipKind -LiteralName 'Mobile Servers'
Get the MIPKind representing Milestone Mobile Servers.
Get-MipKind -LiteralName 'Mobile Servers' | Get-MipItem
Get the MIPItems representing all configured Milestone Mobile Servers.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')]
param (
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name', Position = 0)]
$Name = '*',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralName')]
process {
$matchFound = $false
foreach ($item in Get-ConfigurationItem '/MIPKindFolder' -ChildItems) {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
'Name' {
$pattern = []::new($Name, []::IgnoreCase)
if ($pattern.IsMatch($item.DisplayName)) {
$matchFound = $true
'LiteralName' {
if ($item.DisplayName -eq $LiteralName) {
$matchFound = $true
Default {
throw "ParameterSetName $_ not implemented."
if (-not $matchFound -and ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'LiteralName' -or -not [wildcardpattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name))) {
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LiteralName)) {
$Name = $LiteralName
Write-Error "No item found with a display name matching '$Name'"
function Get-MipItem {
Gets all MIPItems of the specified Kind.
The `Get-MipItem` cmdlet gets all MIPItems of the specified MIPKind. For
example, the "Mobile Servers" MIPKind with the Path
'MIPKind[9947f340-397c-483b-9e03-f27253f7f403]' will have all configured
mobile servers listed under the configuration api folder path
Specifies a ConfigurationItem object with an ItemType value of 'MIPKind'. Use Get-MipKind, or "Get-ConfigurationItem '/MIPKindFolder' -ChildItems" to retrieve the appropriate MIPKind configuration items.
Specifies the display name of the MIPItem to be returned, with support for wildcards. The default behavior is to return all MIPItems under the provided MIPKind.
.PARAMETER LiteralName
Specifies the literal display name of the MIPItem to be returned.
Get-MipKind -LiteralName 'Mobile Servers' | Get-MipItem
Get the MIPItems representing all configured Milestone Mobile Servers.
Get-MipKind -LiteralName 'Mobile Servers' | Get-MipItem | Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Properties | Out-GridView
Gets the first Mobile Server MIPItem and displays the available property keys and values in a grid view dialog.
$mobileKind = Get-MipKind -LiteralName 'Mobile Servers'
$mobileKind | Get-MipItem | Set-ConfigurationItemProperty -Key AdaptiveStreamingEnabled -Value 'False' -PassThru | Set-ConfigurationItem
Sets 'AdaptiveStreamingEnabled' to 'False' on all available Mobile Servers.
Get-MipKind | Get-MipItem
Get all available MIPItems from all MIPKinds returned by Get-MipKind.
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Name')]
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = 'LiteralName')]
if ($_.ItemType -ne 'MIPKind') {
throw "Expected ConfigurationItem with ItemType 'MIPKind' but received '$($_.ItemType)' instead."
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Name')]
$Name = '*',
[Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'LiteralName')]
process {
$matchFound = $false
$folderPath = '{0}/MIPItemFolder' -f $MipKind.Path
foreach ($item in Get-ConfigurationItem $folderPath -ChildItems) {
switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
'Name' {
$pattern = []::new($Name, []::IgnoreCase)
if ($pattern.IsMatch($item.DisplayName)) {
$matchFound = $true
'LiteralName' {
if ($item.DisplayName -eq $LiteralName) {
$matchFound = $true
Default {
throw "ParameterSetName $_ not implemented."
if (-not $matchFound -and ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'LiteralName' -or -not [wildcardpattern]::ContainsWildcardCharacters($Name))) {
if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($LiteralName)) {
$Name = $LiteralName
Write-Error "No item found with a display name matching '$Name'"
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