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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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UltraCart Connector
// The app definitions get me locations for redirects, and the path to our UltraCart proxy js file.
<?php require_once( '../app/definitions.php');
session_start(); ?>
// The UltraCart connections are below. We're going to be pulling quite a bit from
// because it's easier. But it also links into PHP files and Wordpress rather than backbone like the sample.
// Note: This will change, but can stay at the live URL for all sites once we've moved.
var pathToProxy = '<?php echo PATH_TO_PROXY; ?>';
var merchantId = ''; // Removed for privacy's sake
// Various Definitions. Necessary for redirects, that sort of jazz.
var kitRemoved = '<?php echo KIT_REMOVED ?>';
var myCart = null; // will contain a reference to the cart later.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function loadCart() {
// if there's a cart id cookie named UltraCartShoppingCartID, then it will automatically be picked up by the REST API.
// if there's not, then a new cart will be returned. Either way, it's a trivial call to retrieve the cart.
var restUrl = pathToProxy + '?_url=/rest/cart';
url: restUrl,
type: 'GET', // Notice
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache", "X-UC-Merchant-Id": merchantId },
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (cart) {
if (cart && cart.cartId) {
// It runs backwards, since we run this if we're logged out.
if(<?php echo (isset($_SESSION['uid'])) ? 'false' : 'true'; ?>) {
window.myCart = cart;
} else {
window.myCart = cart;
// the cart id cooke may already be set, but it won't hurt to set it again.
jQuery.cookie('UltraCartShoppingCartID', cart.cartId, { expires: 7, path: '/' });
// We need this when we log out of the system.
function emptyCart() {
myCart['items'] = [];
var restUrl = pathToProxy + '?_url=/rest/cart';
url: restUrl,
type: 'POST', // Notice
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
data: JSON.stringify(myCart),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (cart) {
function addToCart(itemData) {
var restUrl = pathToProxy + '?_url=/rest/cart';
var itemId = itemData['ProductCode'];
var isItemKit = itemData['kit'];
if (itemId) {
if (!myCart) {
// this shouldn't happen, since loadCart should return back a valid cart. this code is here just in case.
myCart = {'merchantId': merchantId, 'cartId': null}; // passing null will create a new cart for us.
if (!myCart.items) {
myCart['items'] = [];
// If this is a kit, we need to splice it out, since we can only have 1 kit in the cart at a time.
if(isItemKit=='true') {
var needToOverwriteKit = false;
for(var i=0; i<myCart.items.length; i++) {
if(myCart['items'][i]['kit']==true) {
// console.log('splice it out right here.');
myCart['items'].splice(i, 1);
needToOverwriteKit = true;
// We need to cycle through the existing cart; if the itemId is already in the cart, we just update quantity.
var alreadyInCart = false;
for(var i=0; i<myCart.items.length; i++) {
if(myCart['items'][i]['itemId']==itemId) {
alreadyInCart = true;
// Define the variations hashmap
var variationHashMap = {};
jQuery('.variation').each(function(idx, el) {
if (el.selectedIndex >= 0) {
variationHashMap[] = el.options[el.selectedIndex].value;
myCart.items.push({itemId: itemId,
manufacturerSuggestedRetailPrice: itemData['RetailPrice'],
unitCost: itemData['UnitPrice'],
arbitraryUnitCost: itemData['UnitPrice'],
quantity: itemData['Quantity'],
variations: variationHashMap});
url: restUrl,
type: 'POST', // Notice
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
data: JSON.stringify(myCart),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (cart) {
window.myCart = cart;
// If this is a kit, we have extra steps to take at this point.
// Namely, we need to log if the person has signed the upgrade form, and we need to redirect to the addon page.
if(itemData['kit']==='true') {
// If the upgrade 'form' was signed:
if($('input[name=Upgrade_Received__c]').val()==='Yes') {
console.log('upgrade ajax');
// We need to submit the upgrade form piece here.
url: '',
type: 'POST', // Notice
data: itemData,
}).done(function (results) {
window.location.href='<?php echo ORDERED_UNSIGNED; ?>';
} else {
window.location.href='<?php echo ORDERED_UNSIGNED; ?>';
// TODO: checkout, redirect etc is taken care of in another place.
function removeFromCart(itemId) {
var restUrl = pathToProxy + '?_url=/rest/cart';
if (itemId) {
if (!myCart) {
// this shouldn't happen, since loadCart should return back a valid cart. this code is here just in case.
myCart = {'merchantId': merchantId, 'cartId': null}; // passing null will create a new cart for us.
if (!myCart.items) {
myCart['items'] = [];
// We need to do two thing here:
// If this item was a kit, we need to redirect back to packages, since a package has to be purchased
// We need to pull the item out of the cart.
var itemKitRemoved = false;
for(var i=0; i<myCart.items.length; i++) {
if(myCart['items'][i]['itemId']==itemId) {
itemKitRemoved = true;
myCart['items'].splice(i, 1);
url: restUrl,
type: 'POST', // Notice
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
data: JSON.stringify(myCart),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (cart) {
window.myCart = cart;
// If this is a kit, we're triggering a full site load, since we want to travel to another page.
if(itemKitRemoved) {
// TODO: checkout, redirect etc is taken care of in another place.
function updateCartQuantities(cartData) {
var restUrl = pathToProxy + '?_url=/rest/cart';
if (!myCart) {
// this shouldn't happen, since loadCart should return back a valid cart. this code is here just in case.
myCart = {'merchantId': merchantId, 'cartId': null}; // passing null will create a new cart for us.
if (!myCart.items) {
myCart['items'] = [];
// Now we just cycle through everything in the cart, and update the quantities based on the fields.
for(var i=0; i<myCart.items.length;i++) {
myCart['items'][i]['quantity'] = cartData[myCart['items'][i]['itemId']];
// The AJAX probably isn't super necessary, it's mostly here just in case we leave the page to do stuff.
url: restUrl,
type: 'POST', // Notice
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
data: JSON.stringify(myCart),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (cart) {
window.myCart = cart;
function displayCart(cart) {
if (cart) {
var html = '<small>Click on any item to remove it from your cart.</small><ul>';
for( var i=0; i<cart.items.length; i++){
html += '<li><a class="cart-remove" id="'+ cart.items[i]['itemId'] +'" onclick="removeFromCart(\''+ cart.items[i]['itemId'] +'\')"><div class="remove-icon"><i class="fi-minus-circle"></i></div><div class="item-text">' + cart.items[i]['description'] + ' ('+ cart.items[i]['quantity'] +')</div></a></li>';
html += '</ul><a class="button radius" href="<?php echo CHECKOUT; ?>" alt="Checkout Now">Go to Checkout</a>';
} else {
// This is the function to display the cart on the Checkout Page.
function displayCartCheckout(cart) {
if (cart) {
var checkoutInfo = '<div class="large-12 columns" id="cartContents"><form id="quantityForm"><table style="width:100%"><thead><tr><th>Remove</th><th>Description</th><th>Quantity</th><th>Retail</th><th><b>Your Price</b></th></tr></thead><tbody>';
for( var i=0; i<cart.items.length; i++){
checkoutInfo += '<tr><td><a class="cart-remove" id="'+ cart.items[i]['itemId'] +'" onclick="removeFromCart(\''+ cart.items[i]['itemId'] +'\')"><i class="fi-minus-circle"></i></td><td>'+ cart.items[i]['description'] +'</td><td>'+ cart.items[i]['quantity'] +'</td><td>$'+ cart.items[i]['manufacturerSuggestedRetailPrice'] +'</td><td>$'+ cart.items[i]['unitCost'] +'</td></tr>';
checkoutInfo += '<tr><td><a class="cart-remove" id="'+ cart.items[i]['itemId'] +'" onclick="removeFromCart(\''+ cart.items[i]['itemId'] +'\')"><i class="fi-minus-circle"></i></td><td>'+ cart.items[i]['description'] +'</td><td><input class="quantity" name="'+ cart.items[i]['itemId'] +'" value="'+ cart.items[i]['quantity'] +'"/></td><td>$'+ cart.items[i]['manufacturerSuggestedRetailPrice'] +'</td><td>$'+ cart.items[i]['unitCost'] +'</td></tr>';
checkoutInfo += '<thead><tr><th colspan="2"></th><th><input class="button radius tiny" id="updateQuantities" type="submit" value="Update Cart"/></th><th>Total</th><th>$'+ +'</th></tr></thead></tbody></table></form></div>';
function checkout(cartData) {
var restUrl = pathToProxy + '?_url=/rest/cart';
cart = myCart;
// First, we need to update the cart with all the info we got on this page. This is lots and lots.
// Shipping Information
cart['shipToFirstName'] = cartData['shipToFirstName'];
cart['shipToLastName'] = cartData['shipToLastName'];
cart['shipToPhone'] = cartData['Phone'];
cart['shipToAddress1'] = cartData['ShippingStreet'];
cart['shipToCity'] = cartData['ShippingCity'];
cart['shipToState'] = cartData['ShippingState'];
cart['shipToPostalCode'] = cartData['ShippingPostalCode'];
cart['shipToCountry'] = 'US';
if(cartData['ShippingSameAsBilling']=='1') {
// Billing Information
cart['billToFirstName'] = cartData['shipToFirstName'];
cart['billToLastName'] = cartData['shipToLastName'];
cart['billToPhone'] = cartData['Phone'];
cart['billToAddress1'] = cartData['ShippingStreet'];
cart['billToCity'] = cartData['ShippingCity'];
cart['billToState'] = cartData['ShippingState'];
cart['billToPostalCode'] = cartData['ShippingPostalCode'];
cart['billToCountry'] = 'US';
} else {
// Billing Informations
cart['billToFirstName'] = cartData['billToFirstName'];
cart['billToLastName'] = cartData['billToLastName'];
cart['billToPhone'] = cartData['Phone'];
cart['billToAddress1'] = cartData['BillingStreet'];
cart['billToCity'] = cartData['BillingCity'];
cart['billToState'] = cartData['BillingState'];
cart['billToPostalCode'] = cartData['BillingPostalCode'];
cart['billToCountry'] = 'US';
// Other Info
cart['email'] = cartData['email'];
cart['emailConfirm'] = cartData['email'];
cart['shippingMethod'] = 'We Handle';
cart['customField1'] = 'Website'; // customField1: Source__c
cart['customField2'] = 'true';
// Payment Information
// We have two options: either we take a credit card, or if it's free we'll just pass it as a fake purchase order.
if( {
cart['paymentMethod'] = 'Purchase Order';
cart['purchaseOrderNumber'] = '000';
// Force everything into accounts receivable
// We need to do a little trickery here. If we have any free kit items, they need to be pushed to be .01. Just in case.
for(var i=0; i<cart.items.length; i++) {
if(cart['items'][i]['kit']==true) {
if(cart['items'][i]['arbitraryUnitCost']==0) {
cart['customField2'] = 'false';
cart['items'][i]['arbitraryUnitCost'] = .01;
cart['items'][i]['unitCost'] = .01;
} else {
cart['paymentMethod'] = 'Credit Card';
cart['creditCardType'] = cartData['CreditCardType'];
cart['creditCardNumber'] = cartData['CreditCardNumber'];
cart['creditCardExpirationMonth'] = cartData['ExpirationMonth'];
cart['creditCardExpirationYear'] = cartData['ExpirationYear'];
cart['creditCardVerificationNumber'] = cartData['CardVerificationNumber'];
// Notice: The checkout call does not take a cart. It takes a CheckoutRequest which contains a cart.
// Since the checkout process hands of to UltraCart to handle upsells, etc., we must also provide the
// return point.
var checkoutRequest = {
'cart': cart,
errorParameterName: 'error', // if there are errors after the handoff, the redirect page will receive those errors using this http parameter
errorReturnUrl: document.URL, // this same page.
secureHostName: '' // can be null. defaults to if null. could also be if that was your url.
// the secureHostName is where the checkout finishes on (receipt). many merchants have dozens of sites. So, if this isn't secure.ultracart and
// you have more than one, you must specify it.
url: restUrl,
type: 'POST', // Notice
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
data: JSON.stringify(cart),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (cart) {
checkoutRequest.cart = cart;
url: restUrl + '/checkout',
type: 'POST', // Notice
headers: { "cache-control": "no-cache" },
contentType: 'application/json; charset=UTF-8',
data: JSON.stringify(checkoutRequest),
dataType: 'json'
}).done(function (checkoutResult) {
if(checkoutResult.redirectToUrl) {
// We're good now, so redirect them to the redirectUrl.
// If we get here, there are errors in the cart somewhere.
var results = '';
for(i=0; i<checkoutResult.errors.length;i++)
results += '<small class="error">'+ checkoutResult.errors[i] +'</small>';
$('#checkoutResults').html('<p>'+ checkoutResult.errors +'</p>');
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
// orderForm for Kit and Addon-Products Pages.
if($('#purchased').val()==='true') {
var formArray = serializeForm('#orderForm');
// Specific functions for the checkout page.
// orderForm Checkout Form for Checkout Page.
var formArray = serializeForm('#checkoutForm');
// This will update the quantities in the cart when clicked.
$('#checkoutInfo').on('submit', '#quantityForm', function(event){
var formArray = serializeForm('#quantityForm');
* Form Elements for Kits
* - orderForm
* - purchased (only used to trigger redirect)
* - kit (we need to remove any previous kits if a kit gets added to the cart...)
* - ProductCode
* - UnitPrice
* - variations (most have at least size, some have color as well.)
* - BraCode (not really using this but it's there)
* - PumpCode (same as the last parenthesis)
* - quantity (mostly just 1)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Extra Utility Functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// jQuery Cookie Plugin v1.3.1,, Copyright 2013 Klaus Hartl, Released under the MIT license
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