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Created August 30, 2022 19:49
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Set hyperparameter space
from hyperopt import STATUS_OK, Trials, fmin, hp, tpe
#use post data instead of pipe for hyperparameter tuning, get x_test_post
X_test_post = comprehensive_preprocessing.fit_transform(X_test, y_test)
#set hyperparameter space
space={'max_depth': hp.quniform("max_depth", 3, 18, 1),
'gamma': hp.uniform ('gamma', 0, 18),
'reg_alpha' : hp.uniform('reg_alpha', 0,1),
'reg_lambda' : hp.uniform('reg_lambda', 0,2),
'min_child_weight' : hp.uniform('min_child_weight', 0, 20),
'n_estimators': 1000,
'seed': 0
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