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Created December 19, 2011 22:36
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style of client/worker request
;; i have this working on the client/send side using a multimethod
;; currently, sending looks like this
(let [reply (mdc/send! reverse-client "reverse3" "bleh")]
;; or like this
(let [reply (mdc/send! reverse-client "reverse3" '("bleh" "foo" "bar"))]
;; or
(let [reply (mdc/send! reverse-client "reverse3" ["bleh" "foo" "bar"])]
;; here is how my worker macro works
;; this case would assume the first send call above
(future (mdw/as-worker "reverse3" "tcp://localhost:5555"
(apply str (reverse request))))
;; and this either of the other two
(future (mdw/as-worker "reverse3" "tcp://localhost:5555"
(map #(apply str (reverse %) request))))
;; its totally up to the application, there is no reason it couldn't send a single value and expect a
;; sequence in return or vice versa. its really a question of how much iffing i want to do to see
;; if the incoming request is a list or a scalar.
(defmacro as-worker
[service endpoint & body]
`(let [worker# (mdwrkapi. ~endpoint ~service false)
reply# (ZMsg.)]
(while (not (.isInterrupted (Thread/currentThread)))
(let [requezt# (.receive worker# reply#)
~'request (map #(.toString %) (.toArray requezt#))
repli# (do ~@body)]
(if (seq? repli#)
(doall (map #(.add reply# (ZFrame. %)) repli#))
(.add reply# (ZFrame. repli#)))))))
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