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Last active November 14, 2016 12:34
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NEXT Academy Company Trip (Dec 2016)

##3 Epic Days of Sheer Fun and Lifetime Worthy Experience at Langkawi

"The best cameras are useless if no great photos are ever taken with it. Just like life, we should always strive for excellence and, at the same time, craft amazing experiences with only some people around us." - Josh


<--Call to Action here--> ###Block your calendars! December 11th - December 13th 2016 <--Call to Action ends-->

Every valued team member at NEXT Academy is asked to have some fun and take a break from what we do best for just 2 incredible nights. We are going to do some epic shit that we normally won't do a.k.a. sailing, partying, playing mind games (bang bang) and all that jazz.


##So, here's the plan:

Day Time Activity/Agenda
11th Morning Flight to Langkawi
Noon Satisfy your carnal urge to eat by having an epicly simple lunch before we check-in/leave our bags with concierge if they are too slow to clean our rooms.
2pm Visit Langkawi's world famous sky bridge and find yourself walking through the fluffy clouds. As you enjoy the cool breeze and the inability to see, begin praying to the rain gods for forgiveness. Decide to be unholy again as we ride the cable car down while trying to spot a real monkey.
6pm Embrace humanity again and eat like a cow
9pm Participate in some yet-to-be determined activity together to uncover the deepest secrets of our quietest colleagues
11pm Because sleep is important...
12th 8am Struggle to wake up but find yourself excited to sail like Jack Sparrow. But don't forget to nourish yourself with some hopefully good food at our hotel for no extra charge!
9:15am Sing some marching band song as we take our rides to the jetty where our pirate ship awaits
10am Time of our lives.
Set sail beyond the horizon before doing an acrobatic backflip 10 foot down into the clear blue sea.
Snorkle your breathe away before regretting swimming too far away from our questionably ankled yacht that seems to be drifting away.
Take some videos and pictures to proof to your future children that you were once cool, and oh, through an angle previously only seen on NatGeo and other drone commercials.
Finally, get rescued by a speed boat to get back on the yacht that actually set sailed without you.
Become a primal creature as you find deliciously prepared food by our very own chef-on-deck.
Down 2 pines and 3 shots from our not-so-experienced bartender while relaxing on the sundeck, enjoying the view of the vast blue sea, random islands and gorgeous sunset.
7:30pm Grab some simple dinner at a night market
Night As we debate our energy levels, most old folks vocally propose to relax as the young wild kids crave for parties. As we find the ying and the yang, we decide to butcher what was once good music at some local dingy karaoke place.
13th 11am Practise the routine of rising, shining and eating at the Hotel
12pm Play some mentally-torturing, relationship-straining games #mafia at the hotel before we decide to cool our heads in the pool full of judgy old people. Take a final stroll at the no longer pristine beaches of Cenung before we realize that we no longer have a room to freshen up.
5pm Rush to the airport and catch Malaysia Airlines back to KUL with bottles of hard liquor we thought our cooler-selves would have gobbled down.

Arrangement To make this trip accessible to everyone, the company will heavily subsidize the cost of the trip for every single individual.

Everyone will bear their own cost to get to Langkawi (< MYR 300 by MAS) and 4/5 meals outside of our planned meals.

In addition to that, this trip is a lot about rewarding and appreciating members of staff who have been with us through the journey, therefore members of staff (including mentors) who have been with us more than 6 months contractually on the 1st of December 2016 will not have to pay for anything else (except for their impulsive expenditures, alcoholic habits and cheap cheap airfare).

If you have been with NEXT Academy for less than 6 months, the company will give you a chance to proof your skills before you deserve pampering. The company will still heavily subsidize your trip because we want you to enjoy working with us. You will only have to fork out RM394.83 (not including airfare) for some of the best time of your life.

If you would like to bring +1s, he/she can join us for only RM789.67 for the most epic adventure.


We will try and book the flights as a group to lower the fares.

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