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Created March 12, 2023 05:16
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for h2r/pidrone_pkg but with option for additional noise to demonstrate a ukf filter.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import rospy
import argparse
import numpy as np
from sensor_msgs.msg import Range
from std_msgs.msg import Header
from dt_vl53l0x import \
VL53L0X, \
# addition 2023-03-11 by joshua-8 is a variance parameter and artificial noise to challenge the ukf filter more.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--variance", type=float, default=None, help="how much random noise should be added to the distance readings? variance, meters")
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.variance:
simulated_noise_sd = np.sqrt(args.variance)
# numpy random uses standard deviation not variance but ukf seems to use variance
print("simulating noise with standard deviation: "+str(simulated_noise_sd))
class ToFNode(object):
This class implements the communication logic with a Time-of-Flight sensor on the i2c bus.
It publishes both range measurements as well as display fragments to show on an LCD screen.
NOTE: Out-of-range readings do not stop the stream of messages. Instead, a message with a
range value well outside the domain [min_range, max_range] will be published.
Such value is sensor-specific and at the time of this writing, this number is 8.0.
As per the official ROS's documentation on the Range message
"values < range_min or > range_max should be discarded".
So, it is the consumer's responsibility to handle out-of-range readings.
def __init__(self):
self._i2c_address = 0x29
self._sensor_name = "tof"
self._mode = 'BETTER'
# create a VL53L0X sensor handler
self._sensor = VL53L0X()
# create publisher
self._pub = rospy.Publisher('/pidrone/range', Range, queue_size=1)
# start ranging
# create timers
self.timer = rospy.Timer(
rospy.Duration.from_sec(1.0 / 30), self._timer_cb)
def _timer_cb(self, _):
# detect range
distance_mm = self._sensor.get_distance()
# add noise with normal distribution and specified Standard Deviation
# multiply by 1000 to convert from meters to millimeters
if simulated_noise_sd is not None:
distance_mm = distance_mm + 1000 * np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=simulated_noise_sd)
# pack observation into a message
msg = Range(
min_range=50 / 1000.0,
max_range=1200 / 1000.0,
range=distance_mm / 1000.0
# publish
def on_shutdown(self):
# noinspection PyBroadException
except BaseException:
if __name__ == '__main__':
node = ToFNode()
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