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Last active December 2, 2018 07:06
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`must name reducer form. when importing Field must be capitol as it is a Component.
1) reduxForm Functions the exact same as connect with redux. ex reduxForm(something)(something)
@) have reducer named form: `
3) `When connected correctly the component gets a LOT of new props :)
4) see prop list below `
import React from 'react'
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
class StreamCreate extends React.Component {
renderInput(formProps) {
return <input
//Alternate Syntax is <input {...formProps.input }
render() {
return (
<Field name='title' component={this.renderInput} />
<Field name="description" component={this.renderInput} />
export default reduxForm({
form: 'streamCreate'
##Second Version with submit
import React from 'react'
import { Field, reduxForm } from 'redux-form';
class StreamCreate extends React.Component {
//Destructering Field Input Object Magically Aquired by when Field calls This render function
//2nd argument is optional label added by user
//Wwe then add all the input methods on the input by using object spred op and copying entire object to Input
//Onsubmit is then called with the callback argument Onsubmit
renderInput({ input, label, meta }) {
return (
<div className="field">
<input {...input} />
onSubmit = (formValues) => {
render() {
return (
className='ui form'
<Field name='title' component={this.renderInput} label="Enter Title" />
<Field name="description" component={this.renderInput} label="Enter Description" />
<button className="ui button primary">Submit</button>
const validate = (formValues) => {
const errors = {};
if (!formValues.title) {
errors.title = 'you must enter a title'
if (!formValues.description) {
errors.description = 'you must enter description'
return errors;
export default reduxForm({
form: 'streamCreate'
When Function is called with Field Comp it gets additonal Props Such as onChange, Value (console.log(formProps) for full object)
Field Give Magical Props to Render FUNCTION*
(props on form element when connected)
anyTouched: false
array: {insert: ƒ, move: ƒ, pop: ƒ, push: ƒ, remove: ƒ, …}
asyncValidate: ƒ (name, value, trigger)
asyncValidating: false
autofill: ƒ ()
blur: ƒ ()
change: ƒ ()
clearAsyncError: ƒ ()
clearFields: ƒ ()
clearSubmit: ƒ ()
clearSubmitErrors: ƒ ()
destroy: ƒ ()
dirty: false
dispatch: ƒ ()
error: undefined
form: "streamCreate"
handleSubmit: ƒ (submitOrEvent)
history: {length: 3, action: "POP", location: {…}, createHref: ƒ, push: ƒ, …}
initialValues: undefined
initialize: ƒ ()
initialized: false
invalid: false
location: {pathname: "/streams/new", search: "", hash: "", state: undefined}
match: {path: "/streams/new", url: "/streams/new", isExact: true, params: {…}}
pristine: true
pure: true
reset: ƒ ()
resetSection: ƒ ()
staticContext: undefined
submit: ƒ ()
submitFailed: false
submitSucceeded: false
submitting: false
touch: ƒ ()
triggerSubmit: undefined
untouch: ƒ ()
valid: true
warning: undefined
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